
This website is intended to help educate our current student-athletes about NCAA rules and other information they need to know in order to maintain their eligibility to compete for Pacific. It is designed to give general information about important NCAA, Pacific, and conference rules; however, it may not cover every question that arises. If you have any questions about the rules, please contact the Compliance Staff.

Student-Athlete Handbook 2023-2024


Student-Athlete Newsletter - Winter 2021

Student-Athlete Newsletter - Winter 2020

Student-Athlete Newsletter - Spring 2020
Student-Athlete Newsletter - Winter 2019

Please log into ARMS to access the following forms:

Notification of Transfer
Outside Competition Form
Student-Athlete Employment Verification Form

Forms Not in ARMS

Financial Aid
Outside Aid Reporting Form

Student-Athlete Fee-for-Lesson Reporting Form

Proctoring Exams/Quizzes
Proctoring Exams/Quizzes and Scheduling Policy and Proctor Request Form