Release Policy

Each version published to PyPI has a corresponding tag in the repository, and a GitHub release page associated with the tag. GitHub milestones are used to track which issues and PRs are associated with a given release, as well as listing in the change log.

See our Version Support Policy as well.


PyPI provides an RSS feed of release notifications for each project. You can find it at the top of the "Release history" tab on the project's page.

GitHub sends a notification each time a release page is created. You can click "Watch" on a repository and customize to only receive release notifications. It also provides an Atom/RSS feed, by appending .atom to the releases page URL.


The Pallets team works on releases as their time permits. No one works full time on the projects, so we do not promise any particular release schedule.

Feature releases usually happen once or twice a year, depending on how much attention a project is getting.

After a new feature release, fix releases will typically wait a few extra days before publishing. This is to try to reduce the number of releases if new issues are being reported.


Building and publishing releases is automated with GitHub workflows and PyPI's Trusted Publisher authentication. Team members on GitHub and PyPI are required to have 2FA enabled.

Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) is a relatively new framework for build and distribution security. We are gradually adopting it as support and understanding in the Python community grows.

The context of each build is recorded and signed as SLSA provenance. The provenance file can be found on the GitHub release page, usually called multiple.intoto.jsonl. Eventually, PyPI will support uploading and displaying verification for these files. For now, they can be verified manually using slsa-verifier.