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Alsana Spotlights Importance of Eating Disorders Among College Students During Mental Health Month

Due to a rising prevalence of eating disorders among graduating high school and college students, Alsana, an eating disorder recovery community, is bringing awareness to this serious mental health condition during May Mental Health Month.

According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), 10% - 20% of college women and 4% - 10% of college men develop eating disorders. Alsana offers students and their families access to early interventions through in-person and virtual eating disorder treatment.

“Eating disorders are often triggered during the school year when students are away and college pressures can be high,” said Jessica Harris, Chief Clinical Officer with Alsana. “Since many schools end in May with students coming back home, it’s important to recognize if a student has developed an eating disorder or has relapsed.”

May Mental Health Awareness Month serves as a reminder that early intervention is key to a lasting recovery from an eating disorder, even after a relapse. Alsana’s treatment programs provide a supportive environment and adapted to each student’s needs, helping them to cope with and manage eating disorder triggers before school starts in the fall.

Alsana’s virtual eating disorder recovery program provides students with access to treatment five days a week, a connection to a community of individuals in recovery and more, year around. Check-in programs, also known as two-week intensives, are available in-person in Alabama, California and Missouri and virtually. For additional information, visit

About Alsana®

Alsana is an eating recovery community with virtual Partial Hospitalization (PHP) and Intensive Outpatient (IOP) programs across the United States, in addition to Residential, PHP/IOP programs in Alabama, California, and Missouri. Its eating disorder treatment program are compassion-focused, evidence-based, and designed in alignment with Alsana’s Adaptive Care Model®. This whole-person approach addresses healing in all areas of clients' lives by integrating medical, nutritional, and therapeutic care with movement and relational therapies. Alsana serves adult clients of all genders and sexual identities struggling with a broad spectrum of eating, feeding, and co-occurring mental health conditions. Alsana's programs accommodate the unique needs of vegan clients and clients struggling with ED-DMT1, also known as "diabulimia." Learn more at

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