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|Local Classified|Announcement|

Weekly Local Skid Row Ministry Seeks Used Clothing, Blankets, Etc

Weekly Local Skid Row Ministry Seeks Used Clothing, Blankets, Etc

This ad was posted today, Jan. 09,2022, My wife and I live at 166 Mauna Loa Drive in Monrovia and we have been going now for about 3 years with an informal, non-judgmental multi-church group to help the homeless and encourage & pray with them to get their lives together with God's help. There are hundreds and hundreds of people living on the streets where we regularly go and not, by any means, are most of them drug addicts or drunks. Most have a full awareness of what is going on around them. Each has his or her own story. Our group is composed of both men and women of various races and age groups. With this advertisement, we are looking for donations of anything useful to the homeless that live on the streets.

We do not only just hand out stuff. Although we do give out many things thanks to the generosity of our local people here, we also respectfully befriend people every week at certain homeless spots, sing and play live music, pray with them and encourage them.  We have a p.a. system and electric instruments, but we do not yell at or blast anyone. (LOLOL!) We do not believe in overbearingly shoving the Gospel down the throats of anyone. But also, we are not shy about sharing pure agape love. We don't discuss politics with people. or judge them.

Please contact us if you are interested in helping us with clothing donations, non-perishable food items, canned goods, toilet paper, sundries and lotions (open or small hotel size is okay), shoe, jackets, sweaters, bikes, blankets, sleeping bags, tents, feminine hygiene products, ski caps, gloves, socks - you name it. And/or we would love to have you donate your time with us down there when you can come. Seriously, you are invited to help if you want to check things out and our approach to things. Some of us are pentecostal and some of us are not. Some, I think are even Roman Catholic.

Please keep in mind, the homeless we minister to do not have electricity and we cannot accept electrical or large items like couches (lol). There are few children where we go, so if you donate kids' clothing, we will save it for the family ministries we know of that personally reach out or we can give some kids clothing to YOUR group maybe. You would be surprised that how much children's items we get, although we ask that they not be donated to our group's work~! :)

This is important to note: We ARE NOT a BUSINESS. We do not really even have a name for our group. None of us benefit financially from this benevolent work.  We do not accept cash donations. In fact, this ministry actually costs several of US about at least $30 every week and has been going on for 3 years. We do not sell anything or even deduct anything on our tax returns. The donated things are delivered free of charge to the various homeless around this area. 

Please call me if you want more information. A call is also appreciated if you are dropping off things so we can thank you and also be sure that no one comes along a takes the items. Even though we live in a reasonably safe area, now days... we all never know who is going to be driving around, ripping off things. Thanks for reading this long post. We hope to hear from you. The weather now is VERY COLD at night.  Doug (& Nina) McComb 626 415-1000 or email us at [email protected]. Please no text messages. We do not check our text messages. Sorry. Sincerely, Doug, the street preacher (I am not the leader of the group.)

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