Community Corner

Murrieta Aims To Curtail Pesky Mosquitos With Vector Control

With the rain comes an increase in mosquitos. So what can you do to stop them?

Share mosquito-limiting tips with your friends and family to ensure everyone enjoys a safe and mosquito-free summer.
Share mosquito-limiting tips with your friends and family to ensure everyone enjoys a safe and mosquito-free summer. (Shutterstock)

MURRIETA, CA — Mosquito season has arrived, and with that comes the danger of mosquito-borne diseases, according to the city of Murrieta.

"There is an expected increase in mosquito populations this year due to recent rains and areas of standing water in the community," according to the city's vector control experts. "Mosquitos become more active as temperatures rise, and it is important to take certain measures to prevent the presence of mosquitos and protect yourself from mosquito bites."

Residents can help the city prevent mosquitos from breeding and biting with the following tips below:

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  • Dump and scrub containers that hold standing water.
  • Keep rain gutters free of debris.
  • Ensure drain pipes are closed and not collecting water.
  • Keep pools chlorinated and filters operating. (Unused pools should be empty and dry. )
  • Frequently change water in animal water dishes.
  • Properly dispose of old tires.
  • Keep decorative fountains operational or drain the water.
  • Thin out tree branches, trim and prune ornamental bushes, and keep grass mowed.


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  • Cover up: Wear long sleeves and pants when outdoors.
  • Screens: Ensure doors and windows have screens that fit tightly and do not have holes.
  • Insect Repellent: Apply repellent with active ingredients like DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon eucalyptus to exposed skin and/or clothing. (As stated on the label.)

Share these tips with your friends and family to ensure everyone enjoys a safe and mosquito-free summer.

For more information on how to limit the number of mosquitos around your home, visit

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