Traffic & Transit

Protected Bike Lanes Near Golden Gate Park, Presidio Funded

"I'm answering our community's calls for better bike lanes and improved safety for cyclists."

"This funding brings the project across the finish line."
"This funding brings the project across the finish line." (Scott Anderson/Patch)

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — A bike safety project in San Francisco will move forward following the securing of $1.2 million in state funding that will see the installation of protected bike lanes connecting Golden Gate Park and the Presidio, Assembly Budget Chair Phil Ting announced Thursday.

Following the death of world champion cyclist Ethan Boyes, who was killed after being struck by a car on Arguello Boulevard on April 4, the cycling community increased their push for new safety measures to be put in place in the area.

The Arguello Quick Build Bicycle Safety Project will review and propose safety measures which could include having parked cars, safe-hit posts, or other barriers to separate cyclists from moving traffic, according to Ting.

Find out what's happening in San Franciscowith free, real-time updates from Patch.

"Ethan's passing is such a loss," said Ting in a statement. "I'm answering our community's calls for better bike lanes and improved safety for cyclists in Richmond. We honor him by making sure vehicles and cyclists can co-exist and safely travel on Arguello Boulevard, so that another tragedy doesn't happen again. This funding brings the project across the finish line."

Currently, the bike lanes on Arguello Boulevard have paint indicating lanes for cyclists but no physical barrier.

Find out what's happening in San Franciscowith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Supervisor Connie Chan supports the project.

"I'm especially grateful to Assemblymember Phil Ting's leadership as our State Assembly Budget Committee Chair fighting for funding for our community so together we can create a safer Richmond District for pedestrians, cyclists and transit riders," said Chan in a statement.

SFMTA estimates the construction phase of the Arguello Quick Build Bicycle Safety Project will begin this winter.

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