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|Local Classified|Announcement|

Carol Menke - New Choir Director at Church of the Roses (Presb.)

Carol Menke - New Choir Director at Church of the Roses (Presb.)

New Year - New Beginnings!

CAROL MENKE is named New Choir Director at Presbyterian Church of the Roses

Lyric soprano Carol Menke is well known to Bay Area audiences as a vocal soloist and chamber music collaborator. She studied at the Franz Schubert Institute in Austria and has been coached by some of Europe’s finest recitalists, including Elly Ameling, Jörg Demus, and Norman Shetler. Upon hearing her perform one of his newly composed chamber works, the renowned composer Alan Hovhaness acknowledged and praised her “perfect musicianship.”

Ms. Menke holds an M.A. in Vocal Performance from California State University, Chico. The Santa Rosa Children’s Choral Academy, with whom she has worked since 1984, continues to thrive and has achieved high praise during Ms. Menke’s tenure as Artistic Director. She is a member of the music faculty at Santa Rosa Junior College, Music Director of Cantiamo Sonoma, and was Director of Music at the Church of the Incarnation in Santa Rosa for 25 years before joining Presbyterian Church of the Roses as their new Choir Director.

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