This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Neighbor News

Newsom & People's Republic of California

Why is Governor Newsom Partnering with the CCP?

Newsom sliming California with China...
Newsom sliming California with China... (NewsMax/SC)

Globalist Governor Gavin Newsom and his minions torched the State of California and reduced it to a hell-scape. From the pandemic, to bullying parents and school boards, to increasing homelessness - on purpose, he's destroying great cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles. This week, why on earth is Comrade Newsom in China courting the CCP? Instead of addressing human rights issues in Hong Kong, he claims it's all about global warming. This continuous fear mongering about the "existential threat" of climate change is over the top. California has ALWAYS been feast or famine when it comes to seasons of change producing droughts, floods, and El Nino weather patterns. Why is Newsom REALLY holding hands with China? "I want you to know, China can rely on California." For what? The governor should speak for himself - not Californians...

"It never rains in California, but girl don't they warn you - it pours, man it pours." -Albert Hammond and Mike Hazlewood (1972)

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