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Temecula Resident Takes His Claim to Federal Court

Senior Investigative Attorney for the Securities and Commission, Sue Curtin is Scheduled to Testify About Chuck Schumer's "Protection Racket

Amazon Book - Capitol Hills Criminal Underground
Amazon Book - Capitol Hills Criminal Underground (Amazon Books)

Senior Investigative Attorney for the Securities and Commission, Sue Curtin

is Scheduled to Testify About Chuck Schumer’s “Protection Racket” This Friday

Although it is well known among Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange employees that powerful U.S. Senators have been using these agencies to raise campaign contributions for a decade, thanks to the press, the public has been largely in the dark.

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Corruption within government agencies is nothing new and is generally accepted by the public as part of the Washington Swamp. However, there has never been a Federal District Court case of this magnitude that shows how deeply broken the DOJ and the SEC are.

With over one million pages of internal agency documents, dozens of witnesses, recorded telephone calls, videotapes, whistleblowers and a string of great investigative journalists, this Federal District court trial is likely to generate a series of great books and movies. It is also likely to end in the criminal prosecution of a great number of senior U.S. Senators and Administration Officials.

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Sue Curtin is only one of as many as fourteen internal whistleblowers at the SEC, DOJ, NSA, CIA and Senate Support Staff that will share in detail how our U.S. Senators, Senior DOJ Officials and SEC Chairman sell protection from prosecution and regulatory action to fund their lifestyles and political reelection campaigns.

According to court documents, supported by a warehouse of government records, Senator Chuck Schumer spent over a decade handpicking the leadership at the DOJ, SEC and specific judgeships so he could deliver protection for his Wall Street contributors. Although the Senator is seen as the leader of this mafia style protection racket, he is not alone. When it comes to this criminal scheme, bipartisanship is alive and well. When there is money to be made, all Senators are brothers and sisters in crime.

The Department of Justice, as directed by Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Biden Administration have instructed willing U.S. Attorneys to argue that federal employees are to be protected in civil suits where they participated in criminal acts that created numerous constitutional violations. This appears to be a reward for the federal employee’s commitment and loyalty to this criminal scheme. Unfortunately, no such laws exist to allow a taxpayer funded defense for federal employees participating in criminal acts outside of their color of authority. U.S. Attorneys are fully participating in this sham defense, likely hoping to earn more coveted federal positions for their participation.

It doesn’t stop there, in an effort to keep a lid on this explosive case, the DOJ and SEC political leadership are openly threatening the loss of jobs and pensions for federal employees who do not “go along” with the status quo.

At 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time there will be a public hearing via “zoom” in the case of Lawless V. United States of American (AKA Lawless V. Gary Gensler, the Chairman of the SEC). This public hearing will be followed by 11 a.m. FOIA case in the same court, Lawless V. Securities and Exchange Commission in which the SEC under Gary Gensler’s instructions is actually claiming that all one million internal documents related to the SEC’s participation in these crimes are not releasable under the Freedom of Information Act. You heard me correctly, every single document, every single word is to be withheld from the public. In the same breath, the SEC and the DOJ claim there is nothing to see here.

Up until now the major press outlets like the Washington Post and the New York Times have been aiding and abetting these crimes by refusing to allow their reporters to write about them. But you do not have to depend on the press, you can use the instructions below to watch these hearings live!

Zoom Webinar Information



Richard Lawless

30279 Redding Avenue

Murrieta, CA 92563


[email protected]

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