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Neighbor News

Is the TVEA President Playing Politics?


TVEA Rep Edgar Diaz Disparaging 3 Board Members
TVEA Rep Edgar Diaz Disparaging 3 Board Members ((TVUSD video))

During the TVUSD board meeting on Oct 17, Dr. Joseph Komrosky, speaking for himself, delivered a referendum on TVEA union representative, Edgar Diaz, for unprofessionalism and lack of diplomacy. A fake e-mail was sent out, supposedly from Dr. Komrosky. This triggered more theatrics from Diaz with a cease and desist order, directed to Dr. Komrosky. Before pushing the George Soros funded recall campaign, TVEA members weren’t properly polled or truthfully informed. Political activism and inequitable treatment of 1200 TVEA members is lacking in transparency and inclusivity. “To top it off TVEA and CTA are part of an unprecedented lawsuit against TVUSD,” says Dr. Komrosky. Most egregious of all, is provocative behavior demonstrated by Diaz with his efforts to sabotage The 3 - playing hardball intimidation tactics against board members and their families. Dr. Komrosky called out Diaz for harassing his wife and family during a board meeting and the children of Mr. Gonzalez at their school. Targeting families is despicable and this disturbing behavior pattern demonstrates very poor judgment by Edgar Diaz. He is not operating in good faith and is unfit to serve. This TVEA bad actor has an agenda that is offensive and harmful to TVUSD, the community and our children. It is said that some teachers support a recall of YOU, Mr. Diaz. Your mafia style, mob boss mentality has no place in our Temecula schools or in our community...

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