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A New Illustrated Children's Book by Local Author Samuel Jennings Vinson!

A New Illustrated Children's Book by Local Author Samuel Jennings Vinson!

R & Stone House Publishing announces The Hippopotamus Thesaurus: A Hefty Menagerie of Delectable Words, Volume 1 by local author/illustrator Samuel Jennings Vinson on August 15th, 2024.

Samuel Jennings Vinson has traveled through valleys of verbiage, an abyss of adjectives, healthy servings of humor, and prodigious pages of preposterous prose to bring us his daring debut into children’s literature.

It’s a whimsical, 102 page volume that uses poetry to contextually define large & unique words for children of all ages. The book is overflowing with full-color illustrations – and there are puzzles interwoven throughout the pages. This book is not just a fantastical journey of language and humor, it also includes a full glossary of terms and etymologies that provide readers, parents or teachers the opportunity for an educational experience.

Kirkus Reviews raves that “The poetry is exquisite, the rhyming and meter feels just right, and the vocabulary has an invigorating, no-holds-barred feel to it...An enchanting way to nurture fascination with and a love of words and poetry.”

Samuel Jennings Vinson is a life-long explorer of all things creative. Whether it be in visual arts through his work in pediatric healthcare design, fine art curation or writing and doodling, the one constant is his drive to positively contribute to the world of young minds.

“We can’t just write for kids. We owe it to them to write to the person they will become.” 

Find more five-star reviews, educator resources and purchase links through Amazon and Barnes & Noble at

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