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Neighbor News

Tina Courpas Launches Campaign for 149th District

Tina Courpas kicked off her campaign for 149th District with broad support from Greenwich and Stamford.

GREENWICH – On Thursday evening, Republican Tina Courpas launched her campaign to become state representative for 149th Assembly District, with a kickoff event in Glenville. Over 50 supporters were in attendance, including Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo, State Senator Ryan Fazio, and Stamford Republican Town Committee Chair Joe Andreana. Also in attendance were Livy Floren and Bill Nickerson, both of whom previously represented the 149th District with distinction.

“I am running because I love this community, my home, and if we take it for granted, we could lose what makes it great. The range of people who attended this kickoff event is a strong signal that Greenwich and Stamford residents share this concern and want a new voice at the Capitol,” Courpas said.

Courpas, who enjoyed a 20-year career in investment banking and corporate law, and ran two non-profit organizations, was unanimously endorsed by Republicans on May 16. The 149th District serves residents in western and back country Greenwich, and north and central Stamford.

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In opening remarks, Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo stated “I first met Tina several years ago when she ran the CT Women’s Commission, and she came to visit me at the Capitol. I could tell she had a great passion for public service. She has hit the ground running in this campaign.” Jane Sprung, a member of the RTM, Greenwich RTC and longtime friend and colleague of the candidate stated, "Tina is exceptionally smart, well-organized, a great leader and friend to all. I am proud to support her."

In her remarks, Courpas highlighted the issues of local control of zoning, fiscal discipline, public safety and state education policy as important concerns for voters. Of the 8-30g law, Courpas stated that “affordable housing should not be imposed on CT’s 169 towns by state central planning. Local governments should be incentivized to address this problem. I will stand strong on local control.” Regarding Connecticut’s economy, she stated, “CT is the 8th most taxed state in the country because of government overspending. We have begun the process of economic recovery and now is not the time to quit. Unfortunately, this past legislative session, the General Assembly took a step toward quitting”. She referred to the $360 million of overspending in the 2024 budget, spending which violated Connecticut’s fiscal guardrails, which were affirmed by the legislature only a year ago.

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She also noted that CT ranked 47th out of 50 states for its overall business climate. “Red tape and tax burdens are repelling instead of attracting business to Connecticut. Next week my campaign will embark on a business tour, visiting 50 businesses in Greenwich and Stamford. The goal is to listen and find out how state government can support their success rather than impede their growth.”

Of her campaign, Courpas said “I believe my positions are common sense and better reflect what voters in Greenwich and Stamford want. But the discourse in my campaign will be issue-based and respectful. My opponent is not my enemy.” She highlighted several of many bills on which her stance differs from that of her opponent. “My opponent voted to expand 8-30g in the Transit-Oriented Development Bill. I would have voted for local control. My opponent voted for the 2024 Budget which violated the fiscal guardrails. I would have voted for fiscal discipline."

Ryan Fazio, State Senator stated in concluding remarks, “As long as our legislature is under single party control, balance and common sense cannot be achieved. We need leaders like Tina in the General Assembly to fight for Greenwich and Stamford. I am proud to be on a ticket with her.”

To contact or follow Elect Tina Courpas 2024, visit or contact [email protected], 203-814-7750.

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