Politics & Government

Patch Candidate Profile: Anna Mahon, Orange Board Of Finance

Orange resident Anna Mahon tells Patch why she should be elected to the Board of Finance.

Anna Mahon is running for a seat on the Board of Finance in Orange as a Democratic candidate.
Anna Mahon is running for a seat on the Board of Finance in Orange as a Democratic candidate. (Submitted by Anna Mahon)

ORANGE, CT — As the 2023 municipal elections get closer in Orange, there are plenty of races with candidates who are eager to serve in elected office.

Orange Patch asked candidates to answer questions about their campaigns and will publish candidate profiles as Election Day draws near.

Anna Mahon, 48, is running for a seat on the Board of Finance in Orange as a Democratic candidate.

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Mahon holds a B.A. in English and psychology (double major) from the University of Vermont, a Master of Arts in Teaching (English) from Boston University, a sixth-year advanced degree in educational leadership from South Connecticut State University and a Doctor of Educational leadership from the University of Bridgeport.

Mahon is a public school assistant superintendent for Brookfield, Conn.

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Mahon’s family includes her husband Sean, who is a teacher and department chair of PE and Health at Amity Regional High School; her daughter Grace, who just graduated from Amity and is a freshman at the University of New Hampshire, where she is on the swimming and diving team, in the honors college and studying marine science; her son Lance who is an 11th grader at Amity, a 3 season athlete and a Link Crew Leader. In addition, her children are active participants in the Orange Congregational Church Youth Group annual mission trip that travels to Appalachia to help provide safe housing for residents.

Does anyone in your family work in politics or government?

No. My husband and I have been lifelong public educators and most of our career was spent at Amity (I worked for the district for 22 years; Sean has worked there since December, 1998).

Have you ever held a public office, whether appointive or elective?


Why are you seeking this office?

I am compelled to serve my community and believe I have a unique understanding of the relationship between municipal budgeting/financial operations and the regional school district we are a part of in Orange. Strong fiscal operation is the cornerstone to a strong town and community and I believe I can bring a fresh perspective to the operations of Orange.

Please complete this statement: The single most pressing issue facing my constituents is __, and this is what I intend to do about it.

fiscal responsibility in our town.

I intend to work with all members of the Board of Finance and Board of Select to make fiscally responsible decisions for our town, including forming a respectful and positive relationship with the Amity Regional School District and analyzing our current fund balance to ensure we are applying an appropriate amount of the excessive funds to current town needs and avert a rise in household taxes.

What are the major differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?

I bring a unique set of experiences to this position, having been a long-time educator and educational leader in the Amity Regional School District and a resident of Orange since 1999. I have had extensive budgetary experience both as principal of Amity Regional High School as well as in my current role as an assistant superintendent and have served as a member of the Board of Trustees for my church, as well. I appreciate and value building positive relationships and working collaboratively to address current issues and plan for the future of Orange.

If you are challenging an incumbent, in what way has the current officeholder failed the community?

The acrimony and lack of transparency exhibited by the incumbents of the Orange Board of Finance have not only failed to meet the fiscal and operational needs of Orange, they have also held our town back from realizing our full potential as a municipality. The incumbents have attacked members of the Amity administration rather than worked in a collaborative manner to provide the best services to the citizens of Orange. Orange makes up just over 50% of the Amity community and, rather than embracing that to help create positive change, the incumbents waste time fighting and demonizing others based on mischaracterized bits of history.

What other issues do you intend to address during your campaign?

I believe it is important to be transparent with the citizens of Orange. Along with working to build a productive relationship with the Amity Regional School District, I will work to establish a clear plan for how we will spend the excessive fund balance (currently at 20%, when it should only be between 12%-15%) in order to serve current needs and avoid increasing taxes for our citizens.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

I am a long-time senior administrator in two different school districts, both of which operate with a 50-55 million dollar budget. In addition, I have had extensive experience with finance and operation management through my church, Orange Congregational, here in town. Finally, I am level-headed and able to listen carefully so I understand the multiple perspectives that impact any given issue. I have had strong success in building consensus to move initiatives forward.

What is the best advice anyone ever gave you?

Recognize what you can control and focus your energy on that. (From my sports psychologist during my Olympic pursuit)

Is there anything else you would like voters to know about yourself and your positions?

I am a dedicated, passionate member of this community and I believe Orange has a ton of unrealized potential. I am excited for our future as a town.

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