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Why Hiring A Dacula Game Truck Party Is NOT Enough

Fads come and fads go, learn why standard video game trucks are going out of business

Are Game Truck merely another fad?
Are Game Truck merely another fad? (Gamer vs Gamer)

If my child were having a birthday party in the near future, I can honestly say that I wouldn't waste a dime on hiring A "standard" Dacula Game Truck Party service. Why in the world would I make such a statement about the very industry that I am in?

The reason I can make this statement is because I have been in the industry for almost a decade, and I have noticed that "standard" game trucks are popping up everywhere like weeds. I emphasize the word "STANDARD" because there are some above average game truck options available.

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Standard in this article refers to those who only provide the bare minimum. I've noticed that anyone with enough cash and access to video game equipment, can put together the most elementary version of a Game Truck just to take advantage of what "appears" to be a quick and easy way to make a buck.

Because it's so easy to start a Game truck business, many consumers don't realize that there is no necessary child management experience or criminal background check required to start a Game Truck business.

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But most importantly, I've noticed that playing video games on a trailer for 2 hours, is just not enough to keep the kids interested. Whenever I've done "video game only" parties with my company Gamer vs. Gamer, I've noticed that half way through the party, the kids go outside and play basketball, ride bikes and play tag.

The reason for the quick lack of interest is actually very simply... It's video game fatigue. Let me explain, most kids play video games every single day of the week, multiple times per day (ie. In the bathroom, at the kitchen table, in the car, on the school bus, in school, in church on their phones) The easy and constant access to video games makes the "standard" video game truck more of a novelty than a celebration or experience.

The only alternative to a "standard" Game Truck is a "Game Truck experience", one that focuses more on the celebration and recognition of your child birthday first, and playing video games second. Companies like Dacula's very own Gamer vs Gamer, who purposely refrains from following the path of least resistance by simply allowing kids to play video games and then go home, like every other game truck out there.

This Dacula based Game Truck Experience is unique because they actually have a birthday party, complete with cake, ice cream, pizza, popcorn machines, drinks, dance party segments, 5 minute movie segments and what they call a Tear- Jerker video segment.

Lastly, in addition to steering away from "standard" video game only Game Trucks, it is recommended that the parents who do decide to go ahead and hire a "standard" Game truck should limit the amount of video game playing the day of the Game Truck Birthday Party. This deferment of video game gratification will help to build excitement and anticipation for the party and help reduce video game fatigue.

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