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Finding the right college fit is more important now than ever. This Deerfield mom can help.

Finding the right college fit is more important now than ever. This Deerfield mom can help.

After more than a decade as a teacher, Steph Degodny knows a thing or two about how students learn, work, and think.

And as a mom to three sons—one in college, one starting college this fall, and one high schooler with additional needs who is just starting to think about the college process—she also knows firsthand the challenges students and parents can face during the college application process.

“Choosing where to apply, filling out paperwork, and writing a personal essay can be overwhelming for even the most “type A” of students,” Steph says, “especially while still keeping up with homework, sports, and activities during some of the most high-pressure semesters of their academic careers.” And they aren’t the only ones who feel the effects: “They procrastinate, parents nag, and arguments ensue. It’s stressful for the whole family! I get it because I’ve been there.”

Now, as a writing coach and college consultant, Steph shares her insights with families on Chicago’s North Shore. She helps simplify the college application process, partnering with parents and working one-on-one with students of all abilities to make the experience less painful for everyone. Especially when it comes to the most challenging and time-consuming piece: the personal statement essay.

“For me, it’s all about the student. I work with them in their home so we can be less formal and more relaxed. This is especially important with students who may have neurodivergent learning styles. Together, we learn about their challenges, abilities, and aspirations, and adapt our approach accordingly.”

Organization is key for all students. As a WOW-Certified Writing Coach, Steph is trained in the 10-step WOW process of college essay writing. Using a student-centered approach, she empowers young people to take ownership of the process by setting goals, managing deadlines, and breaking down major tasks into smaller, more manageable ones.

And because she spends time getting to know their distinctive learning styles, she adapts the process to one that best suits the student.

“I help all my students manage their time and stay on task. Together we brainstorm ideas, write their essays, edit and revise until they have a thoughtful essay that tells their story in their authentic voice,” she says.

Steph’s enthusiasm for providing educational direction and encouragement is contagious.

“I love working with my students. How great is it that I get to help them become more independent, better articulate their goals, and develop confidence in who they are?” she says. “This is a special time in their lives and I’m happy to make the transition a more positive experience for them and their families.”

In addition to her individualized work with students and families, Steph offers speaking engagements and informational workshops for parent associations, community organizations, and other groups interested in learning more about helping students and families navigate the college application process.

She also works closely with The Aspire Group, a respected organization providing a network of educational and therapeutic services for children and teens worldwide.

To get in touch, contact [email protected], call 312.502.5991, or visit

Steph Degodny transforms the college application process using a customized one-on-one approach with both neurotypical and neurodivergent students and helping them navigate their college path, overcome procrastination, write their admission essays, and ultimately, discover who they are and what’s important to them.

Photo by JMS Photography.

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