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Kensington|Local Event

GLOBAL MITZVAH SHABBATON with Noor A'wad and Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger

GLOBAL MITZVAH SHABBATON with Noor A'wad and Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger

Event Details

Temple Emanuel, 10101 Connecticut Ave, Kensington, MD, 20895
More info here

Temple Emanuel hosts a
with Noor A'wad and Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger

Roots is a Palestinian Israeli Initiative for Understanding Nonviolence and Transformation
A unique network of Palestinians and Israelis, Roots’ participants have come to see each other as the local partners we both need to make changes to end our conflict. Based on a mutual recognition of each People’s connection to the Land, Roots is dedicated to developing understanding and solidarity despite our ideological differences.
Thank you to Temple Emanuel's Global Mitzvah Team for their generous support of this event.

If you have any difficulty with online registration please contact the Temple Office at 301.942.2000 or via email at [email protected]

Erev Shabbat Dinner and Service
RSVP for dinner required by Friday 8/30

5:30pm Dinner with Text Study
Over dinner, we will explore Hasidic texts about pluralism and what may be called ‘the humility of the journey’ that give us a wonderful theoretical framework for how to hold the stick from both ends at the same time - to be passionately dedicated to what you believe in and at the same time to listen to, respect, learn from and even accept opposing truths. These are texts that provide some of the Jewish theological foundations for the work of Roots that tries to find room in our hearts for both the Jewish and the Palestinian narratives and experiences.
6:30pm Erev Shabbat Service
On the first Friday of Elul Temple Emanuel hosts our guests from Roots who will be giving the d'var torah. We will also have our Temple Emanuel Board Installation and feature our Mizmor L'Shabbat Band. An oneg with the opportunity to speak with our guests and continue the discussion based on what we heard tonight will follow the service. (No registration required for service or oneg.)

Shabbat Salon and Seudah Shlisheet (light meal)
RSVP required by Friday 8/30

4:00pm Two Truths in One Heart: Two Peoples in One Land
Join us as Noor A'wad and Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger share personal stories of transformation and insights born of meeting one another. We will conclude the event with Havdalah and share a light meal and beverages. This event is recommended for adults and children aged 12+

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