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Neighbor News

CCACC Chih-Hsiang Li Received the Community Leadership Award

CCACC Chih-Hsiang Li received the Montgomery County Distinguished Community Leadership Award highlighting the contribution of Chinese

Mr. Chih-Hsiang Li, the former Executive Director and current Board member of the Chinese Culture and Community Service Center (CCACC), has been honored with this year's Distinguished Community Leadership Award in Montgomery County. This award, established in 2012 by former Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett to commemorate the half-century of voluntary service by Mr. Roscoe R. Nix in the county, is the highest honor for community service. It is equivalent to the Presidential Medal of Freedom in the United States, serving as Montgomery County's version of the highest civilian award. In 2018, the former CCACC Executive Director, Mr. Li, was also honored with the Neal Potter Path Achievement Award, the highest recognition for lifelong volunteer service in Montgomery County. Currently serving as a director of CCACC, Mr. Li continues to oversee the center's operations on a daily basis, serving and benefiting the community. Many people who learned about his award expressed that it was well-deserved.

The Montgomery Serves Awards 2023 was held on Monday evening, June 26th, at the Imagination Stage theater, which can accommodate over three hundred people. The venue was filled with a joyful atmosphere, and throughout the award presentation, touching stories and images emerged, prompting the audience to applaud warmly and pay tribute to the award recipients. These individuals have selflessly volunteered and dedicated hundreds of thousands of hours of service, making the love of shining lives to flow into every corner of society.

In the video introducing Mr. Chih-Hsiang Li, we see every important milestone he has worked hard to create for CCACC, as well as heartwarming scenes of everyone in the center working together, cooperating harmoniously, and making diligent efforts. The video also shows his family's strong support behind the scenes, including a family photo and glimpses of the deep affection between him and his wife.

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As one of the five founders of CCACC, Mr. Li has been volunteering for forty years, particularly during his tenure as the Executive Director from December 2012 to February 2023, leading the center's rapid development, sound institutional structure, and solid finance. He always emphasizes the core values of the center. Currently, the center has over 170 employees and 200 volunteers, and its external service departments have expanded to seven, including the Adult Day Healthcare Center, Home Care Center, CCACC Health Center, CCACC Community Services Center, CCACC Art Gallery, CCACC Academy, and CCACC Sports.

Guided by the mission of the center and his own foresight, Mr. Li has promoted various community service projects, cultural exchanges, and even used his experience as a successful entrepreneur to assist small businesses. He has also played important roles in several non-profit organizations, such as Rho Psi Society, and selflessly donates money to help others every year.

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In the video, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich said that Mr. Li had been volunteering for CCACC for forty years and had served as the Executive Director in a full-time capacity for over ten years. The County Executive mentioned that he had visited CCACC several times and witnessed all the staff members serving with love, patience, and enthusiasm under the leadership of Mr. Li. The County Executive quoted a Chinese proverb, saying that helping others is the foundation of happiness, and Mr. Li is the best example of someone who finds happiness in helping others.

After personally presenting the award of Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich. Mr. Li gave a speech expressing his surprise upon receiving the award notification. He mentioned that it was not the first time the County Executive had surprised him. At the farewell party held for him at the CCACC at the end of January, the County Executive suddenly appeared and gave him a big surprise. Mr. Li sincerely thanked the County Executive and appreciated his attention to every ethnic group during his governance. He thanked the CCACC team once again and reiterated the core values of the center: compassion and care, integrity and service, and growth in harmony.

On stage, Mr. Li, who enjoys a happy and fulfilling marriage, thanked his loving wife, Dr. Chou-Chi Li, saying that without her full support behind the scenes, he wouldn't be where he is today. He then introduced Rita Lewi, the current Executive Director of CCACC, and Dr. Alven Lam, the Chairman of the Board of CCACC. Also present at the award ceremony, Mr. Ned Li, one of the founders of CCACC and a senior advisor, CCACC Board member Yeh-Fong Chen, Pual Li, Deputy Executive Director Li-fang C.Liu, and Steve Lin, a consultant of the Adult Day Healthcare Center.

It is worth mentioning that due to his outstanding achievements, Mr. Li, was honored as the 23rd Distinguished Alumnus of Tunghai University in September of last year. In the introduction of the Distinguished Alumnus, it is mentioned that Mr. Li graduated from the Department of Architecture in the 10th cohort. Under his leadership, CCACC's annual budget has grown fivefold to reach $15 million, making CCACC the largest Chinese non-profit organization in Maryland. Mr. Li retired in 2007 from AEPCO, Inc. where he served as the Executive Vice President for over twenty years. Before 2007, he served as the Chairman and CEO of 3e Technologies International, Inc. and CEO of Decision Resource Group, Inc. He also served on the faculty of Syracuse University and University of Maryland two years of each.

(Provided by Administrative Office)

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