Politics & Government

Kate Fulton On Nov. 7 Ballot For Rockville City Council: Profile

Kate Fulton is one of 12 candidates running to fill seven seats on the Rockville City Council.

Kate Fulton is one of 12 candidates running to fill seven seats on the Rockville City Council.
Kate Fulton is one of 12 candidates running to fill seven seats on the Rockville City Council. (Ann Kee)

ROCKVILLE, MD — Kate Fulton is a 44-year-old married mother of two, who has more than 20 years of experience working in four federal agencies as a lawyer, policy maker, chief of staff, and chief operating officer. She's also on the Nov. 7 ballot in the Rockville City Council race.

Fulton is one of 12 candidates running to fill seven seats on the city council. They other candidates are Danniel Belay, Richard Gottfried, Harold Hodges, Barry Jackson, Ricky F. Mui, David Myles, Anita Neal Powell, Paul Scott, Izola (Zola) Shaw, Marissa Valeri and Adam Van Grack.

Rockville City voters will also be casting ballots in the mayor's race, with Monique Ashton and Mark Pierzchala running for that office.

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Related: Ballots For Rockville City Election To Be Mailed To Registered Voters

Patch invited each of the candidates running in the Rockville City Race to fill out a questionnaire about their campaigns. Patch does not edit the responses of candidates to its election questionnaire. The following are Fulton's responses.

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Kate Fulton

Position sought

City Council

Age (at the time of election)


Campaign Website


Family: Names, ages and any pertinent detail you wish to share.

My husband Eric is 45. My daughter Becca is 16 and my son Isaac is 13.

Does anyone in your family work in politics or government?

My family is very engaged! My husband currently serves on Rockville's Planning Commission. My daughter Becca was appointed to Rockville's Youth Commission and Human Rights Commission. My son Isaac is active in County and state student government as Montgomery County Junior Council Communications Director and a general member of the Maryland Action in Middle School Committee. My family inspired me!


BA in Communications from the University of Maryland and JD from Boston University School of Law

Occupation - Please include years of experience

For nearly 20 years I have worked in four federal agencies as a lawyer, policy maker, chief of staff, and Chief Operating Officer. I currently work at the Federal Reserve Board. My career has been built on making government work efficiently and effectively for all the people it serves.

Previous or Current Elected or Appointed Office


Why are you seeking elective office?

A little over a year ago, my son told me that he wants to live in Rockville when he grows up. Something clicked. I knew that for our City to stay a safe, vibrant, and attainable place decades from now, we need leaders to make smart future-focused decisions today. I can bring my professional skills home to Rockville to build that future, for my own kid and for all future generations.

The single most pressing issue facing voters is _______, and this is what I intend to do about it.

It may not be what is top of mind for voters, but getting the budget right is the issue that will have the most impact on the daily lives of residents and the future prosperity of Rockville.

Public safety, pedestrian and traffic safety, environmental sustainability, economic development, and even how we address our deer population are ALL driven by how we allocate funding and generate revenue. On Council, I will bring my years of experience with managing large budgets to have the most impact, to solve today's problems and build for the future

What are the critical differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?

While there are other candidates who have employment experience in government, none have the experience that I do that directly translates to the role of an elected municipal leader. I have served on the most senior decision-making bodies in government, setting policy and law. I have partnered with other governmental entities. I have set long term strategic direction and used that to formulate and oversee budgets larger than Rockville's. And I have managed the day-to-day operations of ensuring that services are provided and infrastructure is maintained. These skills and experiences will be critical as we add at least five new Councilmembers.

Describe the other issues that define your campaign platform.

  • Inclusive Transparent Government: Whether having a say in how tax dollars are spent or knowing in advance that your road is going to be repaved, Rockville can do better at soliciting and sharing information.
  • Safety and Security: I’ll focus on crime prevention, safe connected walkways and roadways, and services that meet the basic needs of vulnerable populations from children to seniors.
  • Economic and Environmental Sustainability: To continue to thrive, Rockville must create more attainable housing and attract and retain more businesses. At the same time, we must protect our environment and greenspace. These two things are not incompatible. I will advocate for green transit-oriented development that brings economic opportunity, affordable housing, and walkability to our city

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

My overall professional experience has prepared me well for this job, particularly at this time. Rockville will have a new Mayor, at least five new Councilmembers, and a new City Manager. I have proven experience in leading through change. Three times, as Chief Operating Officer at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and again at the Federal Housing Finance Agency, I led through a tumultuous transition to a new Presidentially-appointed director. I know what it takes to "keep the trains running", to limit friction, and build a cohesive focused team. This experience will be invaluable for the next elected body.

The best advice ever shared with me was:

I credit my father with always telling me to "Finish the job!" He mostly was talking about cleaning the kitchen or putting away my laundry. But it applies to most of life, including running a municipal government. Too often, the City will announce an initiative or make a decision, but not follow through to make sure it is working. Too often the City will identify an issue and "resolve" it by calling for a consultant or a study. The job isn't done until the intended result is achieved. If elected, I will work to finish the job and achieve results.

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