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Neighbor News

Nine Weekly Themes Define Geneva's Summer Camp for Young Children


Creek walks and camper-led exploration lead us into a summer of joyful discovery.
Creek walks and camper-led exploration lead us into a summer of joyful discovery. (Photo from Geneva Day School)

Ever hiked to the creek with your friends and counselors?

Indulged in popsicles under the shade of a tree?

Splashed through sprinklers and cavorted in sandboxes?

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Celebrated Nine Weekly Themes. . . which define Summer as a dream!?!

To all this and more, participants of Geneva Summer Camp for Young Children answer
a resounding “yes!”

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As campers aged 2.5-6 years discover the thrill of the natural world, they also devise
projects of their own inspiration. Per the Geneva Method’s approach of inviting youth to
identify their interests and take the lead, these campers do so through the meaningful
trajectory of Nine Weekly Themes.

Such themes include:

Under the Sea
Winter in Summer
Party in the USA
Summer Fun
Geneva Olympics
Tie/Dye Color Week

This year, Ms. Anna Piper, Geneva Day School’s former Instructor of Environmental
Education and current Instructor of Music, receives the baton as Director of the Summer
Program. Her bachelor’s degree in music therapy and master’s degrees in early childhood
and special education make her especially well suited to harmonizing the traditions of

“I enjoy developing innovative and engaging programs for children of all abilities. My
passion for the outdoors, arts, and sciences makes me even more excited about my new role,”
states Ms. Piper.

Whether exploring sunny Maryland Green School grounds or conducting a STEAM
experiment within the cool of the school, campers and counselors forge a summer of
unforgettable memories, as shaped by childhood’s greatest passions.

Together, they revel in the challenge of recreational sports, the beauty of arts & crafts,
the innovation of special visits/performances, and the joy of fast friendships. Both new and
returning campers embrace thematic learning (and fun) with unbridled imagination. They
relish the occasional creek walk, where fish, tadpoles, butterflies, and. . . even mermaids. . .
may be sighted.

Why NINE Weekly Themes?

Ms. Piper perceives this as more than “just the right number” for navigating the arc of
the summer. More than just musicology’s definition of “a compound interval consisting of an
octave plus a second.” Rather, Nine Weekly themes catapult participants to a Cloud Nine. . . Summer's dream.

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