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A Moment of Paws

Top Tips of 2021

(Animal Rescue League of Boston)

By Dr. Edward Schettino

As 2021 draws to a close, I hope your year has been filled with the never-ending joys of having pets in your home. As we all know, pet ownership can be equally as challenging as it is rewarding; and if there is one thing that I can convey to pet owners in this monthly column, it’s that you are not alone!

Whether you’ve had pets throughout your life, or if this is your first time with a furry family member, there will inevitably come a time when you may need support. That’s why organizations like the Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) offer many resources, including this column, to help both pets and their owners thrive.

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To start your new year off on the right paw, here are the top 5 tips we’ve shared with you in 2021:

  1. Prioritize Your Pet’s Dental Hygiene. This area of pet care has become more emphasized in recent years. Just like in humans, neglecting our pet’s teeth can lead to periodontal disease which can have many health impacts beyond teeth and gums, such as blood or bone infection, diabetes, high blood pressure, among others.
  2. Poison Prevention is Paramount. There are many things in and around the home that may be poisonous to pets. Certain foods, sweet treats, and flowers can be harmful to animals, so it’s critical to not only keep our pets away from these items, but also to know what to do if they are ingested. If you suspect your pet has ingested something poisonous, contact the ASPCA Poison Control Hotline which can be reached at (888) 426-4435.
  3. Curb Pet Anxiety. Our pets have gotten used to us being home more often, but as we head back into the office, many owners have noticed an increase in nervous or destructive behavior from their cats and dogs. If you have observed similar changes in your pet, contact ARL’s FREE Pet Behavior Helpline by calling (617) 226-5666 or email [email protected].
  4. Prepare for the Unexpected. It’s important to have a plan in the event of fire, natural disaster, or other life-altering situation. Be sure to include your pets in the planning process, and keep an emergency kit on-hand complete with a recent photograph, microchip information, medications, toys/treats, leash/harness, and a one-week’s supply of food and water.
  5. Never Leave Your Pet Alone in a Hot Car. ARL’s annual Too Hot for Spot® summer safety campaign reminds pet owners of the dangers of leaving an animal in a hot vehicle, even with the windows cracked. A car’s inside temperate can rise to deadly levels in a matter of minutes. Not only is it dangerous, it’s also illegal in Massachusetts. This is also true in winter months when the low temperatures can be life-threatening as well. When it doubt, keep your pet at home.

Visit for more tips, or to revisit any of the topics covered in this year’s A Moment of Paws column.

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Thank you for inviting me into your family, and I look forward to bringing you more pet health and safety topics in 2022. Until then, I wish you and all of your furry, and feathered family members Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Dr. Edward Schettino is the President and CEO of the Animal Rescue League of Boston, and has a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. Pet questions? Email ARL at [email protected].

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