Hopkins Real Estate News


Living Large in Smaller Homes

The answer to affordable housing lies in less space and more peace of mind.

Living Large in Smaller Homes

Where Are the Homes Just Under $200,000?

The map below shows the number of owner-occupied homes valued between $150,000 and $199,999 in your neighborhood, as reported by the US Census Bureau.

Where Are the Homes Just Under $200,000?

Homes for Sale in Hopkins

Our partner Zillow.com provides updates on new homes for sale in Hopkins.

Homes for Sale in Hopkins

Homes for Sale in Hopkins

Our partner Zillow.com provides updates on new homes for sale in Hopkins.

Homes for Sale in Hopkins

Homes for Sale in Hopkins

Our partner Zillow.com provides updates on new homes for sale in Hopkins.

Homes for Sale in Hopkins

Does This Look Like a Home to You?

A complaint about a new 11th Avenue North home raises questions about how Hopkins can preserve its small-town charm as new homes replace old ones.

Does This Look Like a Home to You?

Homes for Sale in Hopkins

Our partner Zillow.com provides updates on new homes for sale in Hopkins.

Homes for Sale in Hopkins

Boston Garden Plans Change Again

Local property owner Sam Stiele bought the property and is already in talks with an undisclosed business about the site.

Boston Garden Plans Change Again

Study: Light Rail, Transit Access Boost Housing Prices

A report commissioned by American Public Transportation Association and the National Association of Realtors found that homes with access to transit weather downturns better.

Study: Light Rail, Transit Access Boost Housing Prices