Northfield Real Estate News

Northfield|Press Release|

Rent Help Is On The Way In Northfield

Eligible renters will include households that earned 80% or less of area median income in 2020 or in the most recent month.

Northfield|Press Release|

Archer House River Inn Update In Northfield

The property owners will be working with the City of Northfield and many other parties as these options are analyzed and assessed.


Living Large in Smaller Homes

The answer to affordable housing lies in less space and more peace of mind.

Living Large in Smaller Homes

New Homes for Sale in Northfield

House hunting in Northfield? Check out what homes are newly on the market below!

New Homes for Sale in Northfield

Where Are the Homes Just Under $200,000?

The map below shows the number of owner-occupied homes valued between $150,000 and $199,999 in your neighborhood, as reported by the US Census Bureau.

Where Are the Homes Just Under $200,000?