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Neighbor News

Bernards Township GOP Endorses Mayor Asay and Committeeman McNally

Press Release

Bernards Township GOP Endorses Mayor Asay, Committeeman McNally to Run for Township Committee

Scott Mitzner, Chairman

Bernards Township Republican Municipal Committee

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Bernards, NJ

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Mayor Jennifer Asay and Township Committeeman Andrew McNally have overwhelmingly earned the endorsement of the Bernards Township Republican Municipal Committee (BTRMC) to run for second terms on the Township Committee.

“I congratulate Jennifer and Andrew and thank them for their commitment to our community," said Scott Mitzner, Chair of the BTRMC. “All Bernards’ residents, regardless of party, should be incredibly proud of the amazing job Jennifer and Andrew have done in their first terms. They truly exemplify the leadership, dedication, work ethic, ingenuity, and compassion that we all hope for in our elected officials.”

Mayor Asay, a mother of four, is a licensed pharmacist with an MBA, and has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over 25 years in a variety of cross functional, multi-therapeutic leadership roles. During her time on Township Committee, she has focused on launching new initiatives for all of Bernards, increasing transparency over the inner workings of our Township and boosting inclusivity and outreach for all residents. These initiatives include the creation of the “Understanding Bernards” educational speaker series which provides detailed but easily understood information on how our local government actually operates. These presentations have included the Bernards Township Police Department, Department of Public Works, Parks and Recreation, Public Health, and the presentation on taxes by the Chief Financial Officer.

The other series, the Fabric of Bernards, is a celebration of the diversity and inclusion of all town residents, as captured by the tagline: “Every resident is a thread, woven together into the strong and unique fabric of Bernards.” Over the past two years, Mayor Asay’s vision has highlighted many groups including the Bernards Chinese American Association via Lunar New Year and Mid-Autumn Festivals, special needs children, first-generation immigrants, and our cherished senior citizens.

Township Committeeman McNally, a father of 2, is an experienced attorney and served as Mayor of Bernards Township in 2023. During his term, Andrew delivered on his pledge to maintain fiscal conservatism and keep Bernards completely debt-free, despite rampant inflation and cost increases. He led the effort to protect our children by placing law enforcement officers in our schools, and continues to work with Mayor Asay to ensure the safety of every Bernards resident through new initiatives and supporting our first responders. Andrew also led the upgrading of infrastructure in our community, banned the sale or production of cannabis within our borders, and successfully fought to block the County’s construction of an unwanted traffic circle at the entrance to the Hills.

Mayor Jennifer Asay and Township Committeeman Andrew McNally have a proven track record of hard work and tremendous success and are dedicated to protecting and preserving Bernards’ enviable quality of life. They will continue and expand on this path in their next terms for the betterment of the entire community.

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