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|Local Classified|Announcement|

Is 12 - 0 Balanced? Tell Us At The Republican Rally May 16th, 2024

Is 12 - 0 Balanced?  Tell Us At The Republican Rally May 16th, 2024

The Chathams have never had a 12-0 Democrat control of all elected positions. One out of five Chatham Township Committee seats are up for election in 2024. The seat up for election is the only Republican held elected office in the Chathams. All 11 of the other seats are held by Democrats. The general election this year will decide if twelve Democrats without a single Republican is the right mixture for The Chathams. Is this a balanced or reasonable outcome?

The voting public must decide to allow this imbalance. In my view, measured local governance itself is at risk.

I invite all residents of The Chathams to a rally with local Republicans on Thursday, May 16th, 2024 at 6:30 PM. Come to a Gentleman Farm in Green Village with a beautiful view and friendly animals. Come meet Mark Lois, Chatham Township's Republican Committeeman, as well as Republican candidates for Congress, Governor and County seats.

The rally is open to all residents of Chathams; join us and discuss local issues that impact The Chathams.

Find out more online:
RSVP by email: [email protected]


Ron Rubino
Chatham Township Republican Party Chairman
[email protected]

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