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Exploring Art: Interview with Abstract Artist Moshe Newhouse

Exploring Art: Interview with Abstract Artist Moshe Newhouse

There are many communities and niches within the world of creatives. From graphic designers to musicians, painters to writers, there is a talent for self-expression within every field. This is especially true in the art world, where a variety of artists see their visions and put them on paper or canvas. Whether you are just getting started as an artist or looking for ways to reach your full potential, here’s some insight from abstract artist Moshe Newhouse.

Moshe Newhouse is a contemporary painter based in Lakewood, New Jersey. Moshe started his practise in graphics before developing his unique abstract visual language. Many of Moshe Newhouse's materials come from second hand shops as he combines different materials with varnishes to give his paintings a thick, textural quality. As he plays with negative space, he creates the lines between each quadrant either by adding or removing paint.

We caught up with Moshe Newhouse to learn more about the evolution of his practice, artists he's inspired by and advice for those who want to follow their passion into the world of success.

Discover your unique voice and style

If you want to make art your career, you need to believe in it more than anyone else. But you also need to understand that making art is a business, and you need to understand the parts of it. When starting out, it’s important to identify your voice and style. This will help you find your own path in the art field and serve as inspiration for your future clients. Determine what subjects and themes you are drawn to and why. Once you have an understanding of your style and voice, you can use this as a guide for your future work. Be confident in your style and stay true to yourself.

For example, Moshe Newhouse’s compositions create their own nature. Any features, whether inherent or, any characteristics of, or qualities in his work are purely compositional. Moshe Newhouse approaches his work, each canvas, sangfroid. Although there are many who have argued with him on that point. He doesn’t express anything in his work. Not happy. Not sad. Not mad.

Make art your career

If you want to make art your career, ask yourself why. What are your goals, dreams and motivations as an artist? If you have the urge to create but aren’t sure what to do next, consider making art your career. When making art your career, you will have to think about different aspects of being an artist. You’ll need to balance your creative side with your business and marketing skills. You’ll also want to find a way to make a living off your art that works with your lifestyle and family commitments. Art is an incredible way to express yourself and make a living out of it. You can set up art events and workshops, create art-related products, and work as a freelance artist.

Moshe Newhouse uses art as an outlet; it's something that he needs to take the load off. His painting is very spontaneous and kind of improvised; he picks a few colours that he thinks might go well together to start with, and after that, he just gets carried away and goes with the moment.

Stay inspired

As an artist, you will be constantly inspired by the work of others. But inspiration won’t last forever. You need to cultivate your own inspiration and stay motivated. There will be times when you feel like you’re not making progress and others where you feel unstoppable. Finding ways to stay inspired can help you persevere and overcome these challenges. When you are inspired, try to think about why you are doing this. Ask yourself why you want to be an artist and what you hope to achieve. You can also try looking at your past work and using this as a way to find inspiration.

Network and grow your business

The best way to grow your business as an artist is with other artists. The best way to do this is to network and make connections. Create a community on Facebook, Instagram, or other social media platforms. Engage with other artists and share your work. Create a space where artists can come together and share ideas and inspiration. Don’t be afraid to share your own work and ask for feedback. The best way to find business partners and clients is to be welcoming, helpful, and friendly. When you find someone who appreciates what you do and you have a good relationship, you can offer to work on a project together.

Moshe Newhouse has sold some artworks through connections, but he is working on getting more visibility. For now, it is mainly on social media or online galleries. He has also created his website where it is possible to buy his works.

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