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Yehuda Oratz Explores the 5 Most Lucrative Graphic Design Careers

Yehuda Oratz Explores the 5 Most Lucrative Graphic Design Careers

The world of graphic design is vast and exciting. Although graphic design is often considered to be a single discipline, it actually includes several different specializations. Regardless whether you're a beginner wondering how to become a graphic designer or an experienced professional interested in a different career path, keep reading as graphic designer Yehuda Oratz talks about the most popular careers for graphic designers in 2023.

Yehuda Oratz is a Lakewood-based graphic designer. He currently works at and describes himself as a branding expert and conceptual strategist.

Marketing & Advertising Design

Marketing and advertising design are similar. You will work on both visual and written communications, which often require you to create brochures, posters, and ads. You will also work on branding, which is the process of putting together a brand from a collection of elements such as fonts, images, and slogans.

Marketing and advertising designs are integral parts of any company's promotional efforts, whether they appear online or in print. Advertising and marketing aim to encourage consumers to make a purchase or sign up for a product or service, so graphic designers in these fields need to understand the psychology of buying.

Web & User Interface Design

Website and app designers create designs for websites and apps. Besides a strong understanding of design principles, they also need to be familiar with user experience design and basic coding principles.

Web and UI designers may not actually code, but understanding the capabilities and limitations of the code that powers websites and apps makes them more valuable. Graphic designers who specialize in web design or user interfaces might work on landing pages, marketing websites, app designs, game interfaces, or WordPress sites.

Brand Identity Design

Brand identity design is the process of designing a unified brand that can be associated with a product or service. It is similar to logo design, although the logo works only on the front end of the production process.

In addition to designing logos, identity designers ensure a company's visual presence is consistent throughout. Among the tasks they perform are creating color palettes, selecting images for a company, determining the typography, and creating other visual elements.

A brand identity designer such as Yehuda Oratz, is responsible for crafting a company's visual identity. Therefore, they usually create brand guidelines that direct the work of other designers, such as marketing designers and web designers.

Graphic illustration

As brands continue to seek custom illustration work (also called product illustration) for their online presence, graphic illustrators are in demand in 2023.

In addition to creating illustrations for commercial and editorial use, graphic illustrators also create illustrations for websites and social media. As Yehuda Oratz explains, it is common for these types of graphic designers to create their illustrations digitally, although some may also create their illustrations using analog tools before digitizing them.

Lettering & Type Design

Lettering and type design are often overlooked specialties of graphic design. Among the services that these graphic designers provide are typefaces and fonts, as well as hand-lettered designs.

In order to design typographic designs that are readable, designers should understand typographic principles, what makes a typeface legible, and how concepts such as kerning and line-height contribute to the overall readability of the design.

Signs, flyers, murals, and even logos are often created by hand-lettering artists. The designs may be created by hand or digitally.

Final Words

Graphic design is a creative field that can be very lucrative. It demands a great deal of skill and attention to detail, but it is also very rewarding. There are many different types of graphic design careers that you can choose from, so it is important to do your research and find a field that meets your particular needs.

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