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Is your child in college struggling with a mental health problem?

Is your child in college struggling with a mental health problem?

Teenagers and young adults who get stuck after college or after high school, have difficulty developing their talents, or even opt out of the workforce often have unaddressed emotional challenges. Providing professional support can be key to enabling young adults to thrive.

Psychologists refer to the most troubling challenges as “internalizing problems.”. Coaching or psychological support can help many young people address their challenges and get on a meaningful track forward.

Does research connect the dots between mental health and a successful transition to adult life?

The evidence is clear that emotional health challenges complicate a successful transition to adult life. Unaddressed issues can delay or derail education, career, and independent living. Research has found that:

  • Young adults “with a history of internalizing problems are less likely to transition successfully into the labor market” compared to other young adults.

  • Men who experienced elevated levels of anxiety or stress during adolescence were at particularly high risk of being out of the labor market as adults or of being marginally involved.

  • Men who reported somatic symptoms during late adolescence were most likely to be less involved in the labor market as adults.

  • Men who experienced internalizing problems as teenagers were more likely to stall in education and less likely to successfully enter the workforce.

Address mental health to help young adults take off

Young people who experienced internalizing problems reported more difficulties forming relationships and more frequently experienced social withdrawal.

Providing young people with psychological resources increases the probability of their getting on track toward education, training, and career. Beyond work, effective support can enable young people to engage more socially, become closer to family, and develop healthy adult relationships.

A combination of psychological support and life coaching is often the best path forward. Practical help enables real-life success, reinforcing confidence and feelings of competence. Psychological help can defuse some of the issues that may be powering feelings of low self-esteem or a lack of confidence.

Get help for your young adult today

At Launch Psychological, we offer a unique and effective approach. Our highly-trained and experienced staff is ready to help you heal, get ahead, and successfully launch the next stage of your life.

Call now for a complimentary consultation, or just fill out the contact form on our website

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