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Politics & Government

Ringwood Mines Superfund Site

Latest Weekly Progress Report from the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Members of the Ramapough Lenape Indian Nation meet with the United States Environmental Protection Agency.  Ms. Vivian Milligan, closest resident to the contaminated Peter's Mine Pit, died approximately one year after this picture was taken.
Members of the Ramapough Lenape Indian Nation meet with the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Ms. Vivian Milligan, closest resident to the contaminated Peter's Mine Pit, died approximately one year after this picture was taken. (Judith Sullivan, Esq.)

According to the latest update from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the Ringwood Mines Superfund Site activity includes excavation, placement of fill, conducting vibration tests for expected heavy equipment arrival, and the beginning of the placement of a geotextile cover on the Cannon Mine Pit. The Ringwood Mines Superfund Site was placed back on the Superfund List after the United States Environmental Protection Agency did not sufficiently clean up the site following the first go around. The site is the source of much controversy concerning its remediation plan, its feasibility given its close proximity to the Wanaque Reservoir and local residents who believe the plan is insufficient to address long term contamination risk to water supplies.

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