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Hadassah NNJ Myrtle Wreath Award to Holocaust Scholar on Nov 21

Hadassah Northern New Jersey Bestows Myrtle Wreath Award to Notable Holocaust Scholar Dr. Harriet Sepinwall on Sunday November 21.

2021 Hadassah Myrtle Wreath Award Recipient Dr. Harriet Sepinwall, Professor Emerita, St. Elizabeth University
2021 Hadassah Myrtle Wreath Award Recipient Dr. Harriet Sepinwall, Professor Emerita, St. Elizabeth University (Hadassah Northern New Jersey)

Hadassah Northern New Jersey will honor notable Holocaust Studies scholar Dr. Harriet Sepinwall, Professor Emerita, Saint Elizabeth University, with its annual Myrtle Wreath Award at a virtual ceremony via Zoom celebrating “An Attitude of Gratitude” on Sunday, November 21st, from 12 noon – 2 PM (EST), announced Geri Lipschitz, President, Hadassah Northern New Jersey. ###a name="_Hlk86845256">For more information or to order tickets, please call 973-241-1500 or email

Established by Hadassah Northern New Jersey in the 1970’s, the Myrtle Wreath Award honors people who have made significant contributions to Jewish life – in the United States or Israel – in politics, diplomacy, science, the arts, education or organization work. Previous award recipients include Author and Humanitarian Chaim Potok, U.S. Senator Bill Bradley, U.S. Senator Robert Menendez, Letty Pogrebin, founder of MS Magazine, former Manhattan Borough President Ruth Messinger, and many Hadassah Past National Presidents.

Lipschitz states, “We are pleased to honor Dr Sepinwall as our Myrtle Wreath Recipient. Dr Sepinwall is a strong voice in New Jersey against antisemitism and bigotry at a time in our history when it is so vital. Her work in Holocaust Education at Saint Elizabeth University for thirty-six years, and her continued involvement, deserves our honor, recognition and praise.”

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Humbled by receiving the Myrtle Wreath Award, Sepinwall views it as an opportunity to further her life-long work in Holocaust Education. “History requires knowledge of what has been called the defining event of the 20th Century, and an understanding of the Holocaust as the planned, systematic, government-sponsored annihilation of the Jewish people. Continuing mass genocide, rising antisemitism, and hatred and actions against Jews and many other peoples, demands that we respond in ways that can help us ensure ‘never again’ to anyone. All victims of the Holocaust, both those who perished and those who survived, must be remembered for the future. They want their stories to be used to inspire others to become ‘upstanders,’ and we must honor their wishes about this.”

Dr. Sepinwall ‘s life’s work in Holocaust Education is remarkable. She retired from Saint Elizabeth University in 2016 after thirty-six years of teaching courses on The Holocaust, New Jersey, American and World History, as well as participating in teacher training and Holocaust education activities. She co-founded the Saint Elizabeth Holocaust and Genocide Education Resource Center. Since 1991, she has planned and organized Saint Elizabeth University Kristallnacht Commemoration on campus. Most recently, she appears as a teacher and a guide to the Holocaust in the documentary "A Holocaust Journey: Lessons We Learned" which screened on November 8th at Saint Elizabeth University. For more information on the film, visit or

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As a leader in Holocaust education for teachers of public, Catholic, Jewish, and independent schools, Dr. Sepinwall has taken students, teachers, survivors, and members of the Second Generation on study trips to study the Holocaust at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Museum of Jewish Heritage, and at important sites in Poland, Germany, and Israel.

Dr. Sepinwall is a member of the State of NJ-Israel Commission. She has been an invited speaker for diverse groups, including the National Catholic Educational Assoc., Yad Vashem, Assoc. of Holocaust Organizations, NJ Council for the Social Studies, and the NJ Jewish Film Festival. She has collaborated on programming with groups including the Anti-Defamation League, American Society for Yad Vashem, USC-Shoah Foundation, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Museum of Jewish Heritage, and Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. She has focused on educating her students, teachers, and the community to learn from the past and to make this a world where all people are valued and respected.

Dr. Sepinwall is the recipient of various awards including: the Saint Elizabeth University Caritas Award for service to the community; State of New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education’s Sister Rose Thering Award for Holocaust Education; Axelrod Award for Teaching the Holocaust at the University Level; Teacher of the Year Award from the New Jersey Council for the Social Studies; Distinguished Service Award from the Middle States Council for the Social Studies; Boy Scout Council of America “Tribute to Women” Award; Community Service Award from the Rutgers University Graduate School of Education; Tikkun Olam Award of the Haiti Jewish Refugee Legacy Project, “Mitzvah Hero” designation by Congregation Agudath Israel of West Essex (NJ); and she was selected by Saint Elizabeth University to be a Wye Faculty Fellow. She was co-founder of the New Jersey Studies Academic Alliance and founding member of the New Jersey Author Award Committee. She currently is co-Chairperson of her congregation’s Environmental Committee, focusing on environmental protection and sustainability through education and advocacy with the goal of preserving our planet for ourselves and future generations.

Dr. Sepinwall has participated in Hadassah advocacy initiative, Hadassah Days in the District, meeting with U.S. Senators and Representatives and lobbying for Israel, women’s health, Holocaust education, immigrant rights, environmental concerns and on other issues. She also brought Holocaust survivors to speak at area public and Catholic secondary schools, Hebrew schools, and synagogues. Dr. Sepinwall is a member of Congregation Agudath Israel in Caldwell, NJ and a member of Hadassah Caldwell (NJ). She is a Life Member of Hadassah, who has made her daughters and daughter-in-law Life Members as well. She has been inspired by the work of Hadassah in healthcare, advocacy, domestic policy, and Holocaust education.

For more information or to order tickets, please call 973-241-1500 or email [email protected] or visit this link.


Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. (HWZOA), is the largest Jewish women’s organization in the United States. With nearly 300,000 members, Associates and supporters, HWZOA brings women together to effect change and advocate on such critical issues as ensuring the security of Israel, combating antisemitism and promoting women’s health. Through the Hadassah Medical Organization's (HMO) two hospitals in Jerusalem, HWZOA helps support exemplary patient care for over a million people every year and HMO’s world-renowned medical research. HMO serves without regard to race, religion or nationality and earned a Nobel Peace Prize Nomination in 2005 for building “bridges to peace.” Additionally, HWZOA supports several Youth Aliyah villages that set at-risk children in Israel on the path to a successful future. For more information, visit

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