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|Local Classified|Announcement|

WANTED: Choral Singers!!

WANTED: Choral Singers!!

The Kingsborough Musical Society Chorus is seeking singers!  Choral experience and sight-reading are helpful, but not required.

WHEN:  Rehearsals take place every Thursday, 7:00PM.  Our Winter Concert will be in December.

<< AUDITIONS will be held on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 >>

WHERE:  The King's Chapel, 2702 Quentin Road (corner of East 27th Street), Brooklyn 11229.

CONTACT:   Robert Mineo at 917-355-7393, or [email protected] for more information.

KMSC is a diverse and welcoming group that performs a mixed repertoire of Classical, Spiritual, Folk, Pop, and Musical Theater selections.  We present two annual concerts.

<< Please pass the word to others you know who might be interested! >>

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