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Community Corner

Belfast Gastropub Hosts "The 2022 Giving Tree"

Lindy Cares Team connecting people and making the holidays brighter!

The 2nd Annual Giving Tree is already on-site at Belfast Gastropub in "beautiful downtown Lindenhurst." Belfast Pub's owners host the tree and honor their patrons, who generously purchase gifts for local families who can use a helping hand this year.
This collaboration with Lindy Cares, Belfast Gastropub, and Kids Need MoRE is just one more campaign that connects us as a community in making the holidays brighter for all.
Special thanks to Teri K. for creating the ornaments our donors can keep for their trees to commemorate their participation in this massive project. Kids Need MoRE, makes it possible for Lindy residents to send good tidings to children and families every year.
Lindy Cares community coalition works hard to connect people, solve local issues, and let everyone know they are not alone. YOU are invited to stop by and take a pic with the giving tree and let the owners of Belfast Pub know how much we all appreciate our local businesses' dedication to creating an environment where everyone believes they can thrive.

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