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Community Corner

Lindy Cares Visits the Lindenhurst Youth Center!

Giving Youth a Voice....and Listening!

Lindy Cares Staff Epidemiologist Karina Bak visited the Lindenhurst Youth Center to talk to kids about their favorite part of being a member of the center and their opinions on topics of interest to local students. Lindenhurst Community Cares Coalition is determined to bring accurate information to students looking to become more active in their community or perform community service. Lindy Cares peer-to-peer programs prepare youth to effectively communicate with local officials to create an environment where they believe they can thrive.
This get-together was the first-ever collaboration between our local coalition, Lindy Cares, and the Program Director, Anthony Ferlito, representing the board of directors of the youth center. The kids had a blast and were excited about sharing their thoughts and views, which will be compiled by Karina and presented for action planning to the board of directors. Since Lindy Cares was incorporated in 2013 and registered as a 501 C 3 not-for-profit community coalition, the first lesson learned was that if you want to serve the needs of a specific population, it's essential to take the time to ask them what they need. More to come in 2023 for this exciting new collaboration and partnership. The youth will take an active role in planning and implementing their ideas for programming.

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