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Neighbor News

Zeldin's Record: Unions & Labor

Despite claims that working families are his priority, Zeldin has consistently cracked down on unions and not corporations.

Zeldin lost the support of America's largest unions.
Zeldin lost the support of America's largest unions.

Zeldin says he was raised in a "union household," so you might infer he's pro-labor. Far from it. Zeldin consistently sides with corporate efforts to block unions—most recently voting against Protect the Right to Organize (HR 2474, Vote #50, 2/6/2020), the most comprehensive labor legislation in years.

That's why NYS lost 140,000 union jobs last year. And it's why Zeldin has received failing grade from America's largest unions:

1) The 700,000-member strong Communications Workers of America slammed Lee Zeldin for his anti-labor votes by giving him a 0% rating last year.

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2) The AFL-CIO, which represents 12.5 million working men and women, gave Lee Zeldin a lowly 35% rating in 2019 because of his votes against workplace health and safety and the ability of unions to organize.

3) The American Federation of Government Workers, who inspect the food we eat and the places we work, protect us from the illicit flow of drugs, and care for our nation's veterans, ranked Lee Zeldin as voting for their workers’ interest only 38% of the time in 2019.

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4) Nine percent (9%). That’s the score that AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, gave Lee Zeldin in 2017 because of his votes against raising the minimum wage, against collective bargaining rights and for weakening Medicare and Medicaid.

5) Concerned about Lee Zeldin’s votes against collective bargaining rights and retirement security, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, America’s largest union, gave Lee Zeldin a 36% rating in 2017-18.

6) Because of Lee Zeldin’s many votes against bills to mitigate climate change, which is the greatest challenge facing family farmers, the National Farmers Union gave him a ranking of only 33% in 2016.

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