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Neighbor News

UFO Investigation: A First Responder's Guide to UFO Encounters

The UFO enigma is now a mainstream topic. Richard R. Lang shares how to handle an anomalous encounter in his new book.

UFO Investigator and author Richard Lang trains First Responders encountering "high strangeness." He explains in a free program on Tuesday, September 26 at Tredyffrin Public Library, Strafford.
UFO Investigator and author Richard Lang trains First Responders encountering "high strangeness." He explains in a free program on Tuesday, September 26 at Tredyffrin Public Library, Strafford. (Richard R. Lang)

Richard R. Lang has spent 30 years investigating "high strangeness"—close encounters with non-human entities, and/or UFO activity. He shares his most compelling accounts at Main Line Mutual UFO Network on Tuesday, September 26 at Tredyffrin Public Library, Strafford, PA.

In 2009, while managing a professional investigator staff of 80 for Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies, Lang realized a need for rapid response to witnesses' accounts. Citizens, law enforcement, and fire rescue squads filed reports to Mutual UFO Network and BAASS, having little understanding of how to cope with a traumatic, mysterious encounter.
Much has changed since then. In July 2023, whistleblowers testified in Washington, D.C. before Congressional assemblies. A 75-year closely-held government secret exploded in the mainstream media— that the UFO enigma is real. They testified that since the 1940s, extraterrestrial vehicles have visited and crashed here, some containing non-human entities both dead and alive. In most cases, almost instantly, a black helicopter and unmarked cargo truck of a government agency or defense contractor swooped up the wreckage and fled, warning spectators to never reveal the incident.
Since July 2022, a new Department of Defense agency, The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) that investigates "unidentified aerial phenomena" encourages witnesses to come forward.
Lang's new book, UFO Investigation: A First Responder's Guide to UFO Encounters published in the fall of 2023 answers the need for public service officials to learn what to do and not to do when they encounter "high strangeness." It is written for those First Responders who may someday roll up on an event that defies logic, and current physics and exhibits paranormal activity that may involve a vehicle of ET origin and the occupants that may have piloted them here.
The free program on September 26 is open to the public at Tredyffrin Public Library, 582 Upper Gulph Road, Strafford, PA. For more information, visit

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