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Pathways to Science: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Search for a program . . . find your future.


Your support allows us to sustain the website and supports IBP outreach to underrepresented students in the STEM fields. If everyone who visited each year donated the cost of a cup of coffee, we would be fully funded. Please give what you can.

Become a Member

Click here to view a list of current IBP members

IBP offers annual memberships to individuals, programs, departments, and institutions who wish to support We focus on fully funded STEM programs. To learn more about the type of programs we feature on the site, read our what we post policy.

Use an IBP membership to:
  • Extend recruitment beyond your local region; reach a diverse nationwide audience
  • Increase web and social media presence for your program(s), department, and/or institution
  • Access program evaluation expertise specifically related to STEM diversity initiatives
  • Find and connect with other STEM diversity professionals
  • Demonstrate your personal and/or institutional commitment to STEM diversity

We seek to be affordable to all organizations.  Please consider the value of service IBP offers and choose the membership level that best corresponds to your budget and the size of your student body.

If you have questions or would like to discuss alternate membership arrangements with us, please contact us. To purchase a membership, click the button below.

Membership Prices

  • Student - $15
  • Individual - $35
  • Program - $150
  • Department - $500
  • College or Small Institution - $1,000
  • Medium Institution - $3,000
  • Large Institution - $5,000

Membership Benefits

All members receive the following benefits:
  • IBP’s annual report brief, summarizing IBP’s efforts and results. This brief can be included in your own portfolio of support for STEM inclusion.
  • Membership in IBP’s National Broadening Participation Listserv, supporting information sharing and collaboration among practitioners of STEM diversity interventions.
Program-Level Members will receive all of the above plus the following member benefits:
  • Option to add a photo to your program listing.
  • Web traffic statistics related to your program or opportunity post(s) on
  • Optional to add program or opportunity features on the Pathways to Science social media pages.
Departmental members receive all of the above plus the following member benefits:
  • Program-level membership benefits for programs posted programs in your department. The suggested limit is 5 programs per department; more than 5 programs, please consider upgrading to an institutional membership.
College and Institutional members receive all of the above plus the following member benefits:
  • Program-level membership benefits for an unlimited number of posted programs

Membership Add-on Services

Please email us to purchase an add-on service!

Program highlight: your program highlighted on the sidebar of Prices range from $75 - $150 per week. Click here for more information or email us to discuss an option that works for you.

Webinar guest speaking: IBP representatives as a guest speaker at your webinar. Email us to discuss an option that works for you.

Workshop guest speaking: IBP representatives as a guest speaker at your webinar. Email us to discuss an option that works for you.

The Institute for Broadening Participation is a 501(c)(3) organization, tax ID #20-1891162. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Please [email protected] with any questions.

Where your money goes

Your donation supports
  • Technology: servers, bandwidth, maintenance, development
  • Data management: including IBP’s National Student Directory, Partners Directory, and programs listings
  • Outreach: to underrepresented students and their faculty, teachers and mentors
IBP is a small non profit operating with minimal staff and minimal overhead: we fulfill our mission efficiently.

Giving by Mail

Institute for Broadening Participation
P.O. Box 607
Damariscotta, ME 04543

Checks should be made payable to the Institute for Broadening Participation