

Environment Health and Safety Policy

PING is committed to being the unquestioned leader in innovation, design, service and quality while providing an enjoyable environment for employees that allows them to fulfill their potential. Environmental, health and safety (EHS) practices are a core value of the company. PING’s goal is to conduct business in a safe, healthy, and environmentally sustainable manner.

PING is dedicated to continual improvement of EHS performance and promoting a culture that emphasizes the safety and health of employees, respect for compliance obligations and commitments, and protection of the environment including the prevention of pollution. Engaged and committed employees are essential to accomplishing EHS objectives and share the responsibility of promoting issues of EHS importance.

Supporting Goals

  • Provide the appropriate resources necessary to implement and maintain sustainable and successful EHS programs and pollution prevention strategies including PING’s pollution prevention plan.
  • Strive for continual improvement of PING’s EHS practices and performance.
  • Establish EHS goals and objectives, review at regular intervals and revise as needed to reflect evolving business requirements.
  • Monitor and evaluate EHS performance through the use of standard audit and assessment techniques.
  • Assess potential EHS impacts, risks and opportunities and implement actions where appropriate.
  • Comply with and where practicable, strive to exceed applicable EHS laws, regulations, programs and other compliance obligations.
  • Educate employees and promote accountability for EHS performance.
  • Strive to develop products that are safe when used as intended and to minimize impact to the environment throughout the product lifecycle.
  • Seek the use of suppliers and contractors who demonstrate a commitment to safe and environmentally responsible operations.
  • Participate with governmental agencies and organized groups in developing and adopting responsible EHS legislation and guidance.

Employee EHS Responsibilities

  • Comply with applicable EHS laws and regulations, this policy and generally accepted safe work practices, and use proper personal protective equipment.
  • Perform jobs as trained and be knowledgeable of circumstances that could possibly result in a negative impact to the environment or a risk to employee health and safety.
  • Promptly notify management or the EHS Department of any concern that may present a possible risk to health and safety, company property, the public or the environment.
  • Present ideas that support the goals of this policy and advance issues of EHS importance.
  • Contribute to positive EHS performance by participating and supporting EHS goals and objectives, including pollution prevention and workplace health and safety.
  • Support efforts to reduce impacts by minimizing waste, air pollution, energy and water use while reusing and recycling materials.
  • Consider assisting the community in which we live by participation in state, city, and county EHS programs.

PING will not permit retaliation against any employee for good faith reporting of any violation or suspected violation of this policy. Employees should feel free to report any information regarding this Policy without fear of reprisal or retaliation of any kind.

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