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پرانے مسلسل آباد شہراں دی لسٹ

آزاد انسائیکلوپیڈیا، وکیپیڈیا توں

ایہ اُنہاں شہراں دی لسٹ اے جو لمبے عرصے توں مسلسل آباد نیںَ۔ دنیا دے بوہت سارے شہراں دے شہری قدیم ترین شہر دے باسی ہون دا دعویٰ کردے نیں۔ انہاں چ (بلخ, جبیل, حلب, دمشق, اور اریحا) شامل نیں۔

افریقہ, شمالی

ناں تریخی علاوقہ مقام جدوں توں مسلسل آباد اے Notes
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فیوم (as Shediet, Crocodilopolis, Ptolemais Euergetis, Arsinoe) زیریں مصر محافظہ فیوم, مصر c. 4000 BC[۱]
الاقصر (as Waset, better known by its Greek name Thebes) قدیم مصر مصر c. 3200 BC First established as capital of بالائی مصر, Thebes later became the religious capital of the nation until its decline in the Roman period.
Zeila/Avalite Bilad al-Barbar صومالیہ c. 9th century BC Major trading city in the قرن افریقہ
قرطاج تونس 814 BC Founded by the فونیقی.[۲]
Yeha D'mt ایتھوپیا c. 700 BC One of the oldest site of continuous habitation in افریقہ جنوب صحرا.[۳]
Cape Guardafui Bilad al-Barbar صومالیہ c. 500 BC Referred to as Aromata promontorium by the قدیم یونان, Guardafui was described as early as the 1st century AD in the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, along with other flourishing commercial settlements on the northern Somali littoral.[۴]
Axum مملکت اکسوم ایتھوپیا c. 400 BC Ancient capital of the Kingdom of Axum
بربرہ Bilad al-Barbar صومالیہ c. 400 BC The city was described as 800 stadia beyond the city of the Avalites, described in the eighth chapter of the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, which was written by a Greek merchant in the 1st century AD
اسکندریہ مصر 332 BC Founded by سکندر اعظم[۵]
Djenné-Jeno مالی c. 200 BC One of the oldest known cities in sub-Saharan Africa[۶]
Ghadames (as Cydamus) لیبیا 19 BC Roman town founded in 19 BC but "archaeological evidence shows occupation of the area in the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras"[۷]
Old Cairo مصر c. 100 Babylon Fortress moved to its current location in the reign of تراجان, forming the core of Old or Coptic Cairo[۸]
کیسمایو Bilad al-Barbar, after the 14th century part of the سلطنت اجوران صومالیہ 4th century The Kismayo area was originally a small fishing settlement and expendad to a major trading city on the Somali coast.[۹]
موغادیشو Sultanate of Mogadishu صومالیہ c. 700 Successor of the ancient trading power of Sarapion
Fes (as Fes-al-Bali) مراکش 789 Founded as the new capital of the ادریسی سلطنت[۱۰]
مراکش (شہر) (Murakuc) مراکش 1070 Founded by the دولت مرابطین[۱۱]

افریقہ, دکھنی

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Igodomigodo سلطنت بینن نائجیریا c. 400 BC City of Benin, one of the oldest cities in Nigeria
Ife اوسون ریاست نائجیریا c. 350 BC Earliest traces of habitation date to the 4th century BC.[۱۲]
Sofala موزمبیق c. 700 One of the oldest harbours documented in جنوبی افریقہ (خطہ),
Lamu کینیا c. 1300 Founded by Swahili settlers some time in the 14th century[۱۳]
کیپ ٹاؤن Cape colony جنوبی افریقہ 1652 Founded by Dutch settlers from ولندیزی ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی and is the oldest city in South Africa
کوماسی Ashanti Empire گھانا c. 1680 Founded as Akan village and capital of the Kumaseman State, later becoming capital of Ashanti Empire,

امریکہ, وچکارلا

ناں تریخی علاوقہ مقام جدوں توں مسلسل آباد اے Notes
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Cholula Old Cholula میکسیکو c. 2nd century BC Pre-Columbian Cholula grew from a small village to a regional center during the 7th century. Oldest still-inhabited city in the Americas.
میکسیکو شہر Mexica culture Mexico 1325 Founded as twin cities Tenōchtitlān (1325) and Tlāltelōlco (1337) by the Mexica. Named changed to Ciudad de México (Mexico City) after the Spanish conquest of the city in 1521. Several other pre-Columbian towns such as Azcapotzalco, Tlatelolco, Xochimilco and Coyoacán have been engulfed by the still growing metropolis and are now part of modern Mexico City. Oldest capital city in the Americas.
سانتو دومنگو ہسپانیولا جمہوریہ ڈومینیکن 1496 Oldest European settlement in the New World
San Juan New Spain پورٹو ریکو (US) 1508 Oldest continuously inhabited city in a US territory
Nombre de Dios, Colón New Granada پاناما 1510 Oldest European settlement on the mainlands of the Americas
باراکوا New Spain کیوبا 1511 Oldest European settlement in Cuba
Vera Cruz New Spain Mexico 1519 Oldest continuously inhabited European established settlement continental America.
پاناما شہر New Granada پاناما 1519 Oldest city in the Americas on the Pacific Ocean and oldest European settlement on the Pacific.

امریکہ, اتلا

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Acoma Pueblo and Taos Pueblo, نیو میکسیکو Pueblo culture US c. 1075 Among the oldest continuously inhabited settlements in the US (although not "cities")
Oraibi, Arizona Hopi culture US c. 1100 Among the oldest continuously inhabited settlements in the US (although not a "city")
سینٹ جانز، نیوفنلینڈ اور لیبراڈار Newfoundland Colony کینیڈا 1540s Oldest city in Canada, and oldest English-speaking city in the Americas
سینٹ آگسٹین، فلوریڈا New Spain US 1565 Oldest continuously inhabited European-founded city within the United States
جیمز ٹاون، ورجینیا Colony of Virginia US 1607 First permanent English established settlement in the Americas.
سانتا فے، نیو میکسیکو New Spain US 1607 Oldest continuously inhabited state or territorial capital in the continental United States.
کیوبک شہر New France Canada 1608 Second oldest city in Canada and oldest French-speaking city in the Americas.
البانی، نیو یارک New Netherlands US 1614 Followed by جرسی شہر، نیو جرسی (Communipaw) in 1617 and New York City (as New Amsterdam) in 1624 or 1625. (Note: While there was an abandonment in 1617 or 1618 of the Albany settlement, it was re-established within a few years; also, the Jersey City settlement was a factorij or trading post in the 1610s and didn't become a "homestead" (bouwerij) until the 1630s. Settlements in New Netherlands sometimes moved around in the early years.)
پلایماؤت، میساچوسٹس پلایماؤت کالونی US 1620 Fourth oldest continuously inhabited European-founded city in the United States[۱۴]
سینٹ جان نواں فرانس کینیڈا 1631 کینیڈا دا تیجا سبتوں پرانا شہر
ترو-ریویائر New France Canada 1634 Fourth oldest city in Canada
مانٹریال New France Canada 1642 Fifth oldest city in Canada
Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan New France US 1668 Oldest European-founded city in the Midwestern United States and third oldest American city west of the Appalachian Mountains.
سان ڈیگو New Spain US 1769 Birthplace of کیلی فورنیا and oldest city on the West Coast of the United States

امریکہ, دکھنی

ناں تریخی علاوقہ مقام جدوں توں مسلسل آباد اے Notes
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Upper Xingu Xingu culture برازیل c. 800 AD A network of settlements continuously inhabited since the late 1st millennium AD. A highly urbanized Kuikuro settlement was home to upwards of 10,000 people in the densely forested Upper Xingu. Their numbers declined sharply after contacts with Europeans in the 16th century.
کیٹو Quitu culture ایکواڈور 980 Quito's origins date back to 2000 BC,سانچہ:Dubious when the Quitu tribe occupied the area.
کوزکو انکا پیرو c. 1100 The Killke occupied the region from 900 to 1200, prior to the arrival of the انکا in the 13th century. Carbon-14 dating of Saksaywaman, the walled complex outside Cusco, has demonstrated that the Killke culture constructed the fortress about 1100.[۱۵]
سانتا مارتا New Granada کولمبیا 1525 Oldest still-inhabited city founded by Spaniards in Colombia.
São Vicente, São Paulo Governorate General of Brazil برازیل 1532 First Portuguese settlement in South America
بوگوتا New Granada کولمبیا 1538 Oldest European-founded capital city in South America.
سانتیاگو دل استرو Río de la Plata ارجنٹائن 1553 Oldest continuously inhabited city in ارجنٹائن

ایشیا, وچکارلہ تے دکھنی

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بلخ (as Bactra) باختر صوبہ بلخ, افغانستان 1500 BC
بنارس Iron Age India اتر پردیش, India c. 1200–1100 BC[۱۶] Iron Age foundation (Painted Grey Ware culture).
اوجین (As Avanti) مالوہ India c. 800 BC[۱۷] Rose to prominence in ca 700 BC as capital of Avanti during India's second wave of urbanization. Walled in ca 600 BC.
سمرقند Sogdiana ازبکستان 700 BC[حوالہ درکار]
Rajagriha (راجگیر) سلطنت مگدھ بہار (بھارت), India 600 BC[حوالہ درکار]
مدورائے Pandyan kingdom تامل ناڈو, India 500 BC[حوالہ درکار] There are accounts of Megasthenes (c. 350 – 290 BC) a Greek ethnographer in the Hellenistic period, author of the work Indica, having visited Madurai (then, a bustling city and capital of Pandya Kingdom). Mahavamsa, the Sri Lankan chronicle mentions that King Vijaya married a princess from Madurai, and his period is mentioned to be around 543 BC.
Vaisali سلطنت مگدھ بہار (بھارت), India 500 BC[۱۸]
پٹنہ سلطنت مگدھ بہار (بھارت), India 5th century BC[۱۹] As Pataliputra was founded by Ajatashatru.
پشاور گندھارا خیبر پختونخوا, پاکستان c. 400–300 BC[۲۰] Ongoing excavations in the Gor Khuttree region have given proof of the ancient foundations of the city and have established Peshawar as one of the oldest settlements in Central and South Asia.
Mahasthangarh, بوگرا Pundravardhana بوگرا ضلع, بنگلہ دیش 4th century BC[۲۱] Remains of the ancient city of Pundranagara.
تھانجاور Early Chola kingdom تامل ناڈو, India 300 BC Some scholars believe that the city has been existing since the Sangam Period
Bamyan باختر صوبہ بامیان, افغانستان 1st century AD
کھٹمنڈو-پاٹن، نیپال نیپال کھٹمنڈو valley, نیپال c. 2nd century AD The epigraphically attested history of Kathmandu valley begins in the 2nd century. Folklore speaks of a hoarier past.[حوالہ درکار]

ایشیا, چڑھدا

ناں تریخی علاوقہ مقام جدوں توں مسلسل آباد اے Notes
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لوویانگ (as Zhenxun, Xibo) شیا خاندان Henan, China c. 2070 BC
شیان (as Haojing, Fenghao, Chang'an, Daxing) چو Shaanxi, China c. 1100 BC
Beijing Ji, Yan بیجنگ, China c. 1045 BC
سوژو (as Gusu, Wu) Wu جیانگسو, China 514 BC
چینگدو Shu Sichuan, China c. 400 BC The 9th Kaiming king of the ancient Shu moved his capital to the city's current location from today's nearby Pixian.
نانجنگ (as Yecheng, Jianye, Jiankang, Jinling) Wu جیانگسو, China c. 495 BC Fu Chai, Lord of the State of Wu, founded a fort named Yecheng (冶城) in today's Nanjing area.
کائفینگ (as Daling, Bianzhou, Dongjing, Bianjing) Wei Henan, China c. 364 BC The State of Wei founded a city called Daliang (大梁)as its capital in this area.
گوانگژو (as Panyu) چن خاندان Guangdong, China 214 BC[حوالہ درکار]
ہانگژو (as Lin'an) چن خاندان ژجیانگ, China c. 200 BC The city of Hangzhou was founded about 2,200 years ago during the Qin Dynasty.
پیانگ یانگ (as Wanggeom-seong) Gojoseon شمالی کوریا 194 BC Built as the capital city of Gojoseon in 194 BC.
گیونگ جو Silla جنوبی کوریا 57 BC Built as the capital city of Silla in 57 BC.
سیول (as Wiryeseong) Baekjae جنوبی کوریا 18 BC Built as the capital city of Baekjae in 18 BC.
اوساکا (as Naniwa) جاپان جاپان c. 400 AD It was inhabited as early at the 6th-5th centuries BC, and became a port city during the Kofun period. It temporarily served as the capital of Japan from 645 to 655.
Nara (as Heijō-kyō) جاپان جاپان 710 AD Built as a new capital city in 710.
کیوٹو (as Heian-kyō, and sometimes known in the west as Miyako) جاپان جاپان 794 AD Shimogamo Shrine was built in the 6th century, but the city was officially founded as Heian-kyō when it became the capital in 794.

ایشیا, دکھن چڑھدا

ناں تریخی علاوقہ مقام جدوں توں مسلسل آباد اے Notes
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ہنوئی Jiaozhou ویتنام 454 AD First mentioned as Tống Bình in 454 AD, the Đại La citadel was built in 767 during the reign of Emperor Daizong of Tang; Ly Cong Uan renamed it Thăng Long in 1010.
پالمبانگ Srivijaya انڈونیشیا c. 600 AD Oldest city in the Malay Archipelago, capital of the Srivijaya empire.
لوانگ پرابانگ Muang Sua لاؤس 698 AD[حوالہ درکار]
Siem Reap سلطنت خمیر کمبوڈیا 801 AD[۲۲] Capital of the سلطنت خمیر.
Bagan Kingdom of Pagan میانمار 849 AD[۲۳]
منیلا Kingdom of Tondo and Kingdom of Maynila فلپائن 900 AD[۲۴] Oldest known settlement in the Philippines as documented by the Laguna Copperplate Inscription; when the Spanish, led by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, arrived, it was still inhabited and led by at least one datu.
بندر سری بگاوان Kingdom of Po-ni برونائی دار السلام 977 AD[۲۵] Oldest city in بورنیو.
بوتوان Kingdom of Butuan فلپائن 1001 AD[۲۶][۲۷] Oldest city in مینداناؤ.
Kediri Kediri Kingdom انڈونیشیا 1042 AD[۲۸] Along with changes in name, it is essentially a union of the two capitals of Panjalu Kingdom and Janggala Kingdom. The settlements are always interspersed along both banks of Brantas River. Administratively, the Government of انڈونیشیا divides Kediri into two political entities, Kediri Regency and the Town of Kediri which is located in the middle of the regency. Nevertheless, archaeological remains exist beyond administrative boundaries and settlements often spread disregarding administrative boundaries between both entities.
سنگاپور مملکت سنگاپورہ سنگاپور 1170 AD[۲۹]

ایشیا, لہندا


Continuous habitation since the Chalcolithic (or Copper Age) is vaguely possible but highly problematic to prove archaeologically for several سرزمین شامine cities (اریحا, جبیل, حلب, دمشق, صیدا and بیروت).

Cities became more common outside the زرخیز ہلال with the آہنی دور from about 1100 BC. The foundation of Rome in 753 BC is conventionally taken as one of the dates initiating Classical Antiquity.[حوالہ درکار]

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اربیل بین النہرین عراقی کردستان, عراق 6000 BC or earlier[۳۰][۳۱] The Citadel of Arbil is a fortified settlement in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan. The city corresponds to ancient Arbela. Urban life at Erbil (kurdish: Hewlêr) can be dated back to at least 6000 BC, and it is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.
جبیل (Jubayl) سرزمین شام لبنان Chalcolithic (5000 BC or earlier)[۳۲] Settled from the Neolithic (carbon-dating tests have set the age of earliest settlement around 7000[۳۳]), a city since the 3rd millennium BC.[۳۲] Byblos had a reputation as the "oldest city in the world" in Antiquity (according to Philo of Byblos).
حلب سرزمین شام شام Chalcolithic (4,300 BC or earlier)[۳۴] Evidence of habitation at the current site of Aleppo dates to about c. 8,000 years ago, although excavations at Tell Qaramel, 25 kilometers north of the city show the area was inhabited about 13,000 years ago,[۳۵] the Temple of Hadad inside the Citadel date to c. 2400 BC.[۳۶]
دمشق سرزمین شام شام Chalcolithic Damascus is often claimed to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, and evidence exists of a settlement in the wider Barada basin dating back to 9000 BC. However, within the area of Damascus, there is no evidence for large-scale settlement until the 2nd millennium BC.[۳۷]
Susa (Shush) صوبہ خوزستان ایران 4200 BC Archaeological excavations indicate that the site has been inhabited since at least 5000 BC.[۳۸] The emergence of acropolis in سوسن (شہر) is determined by C14 dating from 4395-3955 BC,[۳۹] roughly dated about 4200 BC as time of foundation.[۴۰] Susa was a large city during Ancient and Medieval periods, but marginalized in 13th century[۳۸] due to Mongol invasion. The city further degraded from 15th century when a majority of its population moved to دزفول and it remained as a small settlement until the 20th century.[۴۱]
صیدا سرزمین شام لبنان 4000 BC[۴۲] There is evidence that Sidon was inhabited from as long ago as 4000 BC, and perhaps, as early as Neolithic times (6000 – 4000 BC).
غازی انتپ اناطولیہ Southeastern Anatolia, ترکی c. 3650 BC[۴۳] Although most modern scholars place the Classical Antiochia ad Taurum at Gaziantep, some maintain that it was located at Aleppo. Furthermore, that the two cities occupy the same site is far from established fact.[۴۴] Assuming this to be the case, the founding date of the present site would be about 1000 BC.[۴۵]
اریحا سرزمین شام مغربی کنارہ Chalcolithic (3000 BC or earlier) Traces of habitation from 9000 BC.[۴۶][۴۷] Fortifications date to 6800 BC (or earlier), making Jericho the earliest known walled city.[۴۸]

Archaeological evidence indicates that the city was destroyed and abandoned several times (sometimes remaining uninhabited for hundreds of years at a time), with later rebuilding and expansion.[۴۹][۵۰]

رے Media ایران 3000 BC[۵۱] A settlement at the site goes back to the 3rd millennium BC. Rey (also Ray or Rayy) is mentioned in the اوستا (an important text of prayers in زرتشتیت) as a sacred place, and it is also featured in the book of Tobit.[۵۱]
بیروت سرزمین شام لبنان 3000 BC[۵۲]
Jerusalem (Old City) سرزمین شام مغربی کنارہ 2800 BC[۵۳]
صور سرزمین شام لبنان 2750 BC[۵۴]
جنین، مغربی کنارہ سرزمین شام مغربی کنارہ c. 2450 BC[۵۵] Jenin's history goes back to 2450 BC, when it was built by the کنعان. After 1244, Jenin flourished economically because of its location on the trade route, until a major earthquake completely destroyed the city.[۵۶]
کرکوک (as Arrapha) بین النہرین محافظہ کرکوک, Iraq 3000–2200 BC[۵۷]
یافا سرزمین شام اسرائیل c. 2000 BC Archaeological evidence shows habitation from 7500 BC.[۵۸]
الخلیل سرزمین شام مغربی کنارہ c. 1500 BC "Hebron is considered one of the oldest cities and has been continuously inhabited for nearly 3500 years."[۵۹]
Gaza سرزمین شام غزہ کی پٹی c. 1000 BC While evidence of habitation dates back at least 5,000 years, it is said to be continuously inhabited for a little more than 3,000 years.[۶۰][۶۱]
Hamadan (as Ecbatana) Median Empire ایران c. 800 BC[۶۲]
نابلوس (as Shechem) سرزمین شام مغربی کنارہ c. 100 Nablus is a کنعانite city. It was inhabited since the 4th millennium BC. In 724 BC it has been ruined by Assyria and after revival in the 3rd and 2nd centuries, it has been finally destroyed by the Hasmonean Hyrcanus in 128 BC. 200 years later the new Roman city was founded next to the ruined settlement.[۶۳]
عمان (شہر)
(as عمان (شہر))
سرزمین شام اردن c. 1878 Amman has been inhabited by several civilizations. The first civilization on record is during the جدید زمانہ پتھر period, around 7500 BC, when archaeological discoveries in 'Ain Ghazal. It was then destroyed by several earthquakes and natural disasters in the Middle Ages, and remained a small village and a pile of ruins for about 500 years, until the Circassian settlement in 1878.[۶۴]


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Amesbury نواں پتھر ویلہ, Britain UK (England) 8th millennium BC. Continuously inhabited settlement, for the past 10,800 years,[۶۵][۶۶]
Provadia جدید زمانہ پتھر, Danubian Plain Bulgaria 4700 BC. Solnitsata, the oldest town in Europe was estabilished in 4700 BC[۶۷][۶۸][۶۹]
آرگوس جدید زمانہ پتھر, Mycenaean Greece Greece 5th millennium BC. Continuously inhabited mostly as an urban settlement, for the past 7,000 years,[۷۰] historical, recorded history since second half of 1st millennium BC.
ایتھنز Neolithic, Mycenaean Greece Attica, Greece 5th–4th Millennium BC[۷۱]سانچہ:Page needed Earliest human presence 11th–7th millennium BC,[۷۲] recorded history begins in 1400 BC.
پلوودیف تھریس پلوودیف صوبہ, بلغاریہ 3000[۷۳] – 4000 BC[۷۴][۷۵] Thracian foundation. Earliest evidence of a settlement dates back to 6000 BC.[۷۶][۷۷]
کوتائیسی Colchis ایمرتی province, جارجیا c. 2000 BC Founded as Aia. Archeological evidence indicates that the city functioned as the capital of the kingdom of Colchis as early as the 2nd millennium BC. It is widely believed by historians that when Apollonius Rhodius was writing about Jason and the Argonauts and their legendary journey to Colchis, Kutaisi/Aia was the final destination of the Argonauts and the residence of King Aeëtes.
Chania کریٹ کریٹ, یونان c. 1400 BC Minoan foundation as Kydonia
لرکانا الاشیا قبرص c. 1400 BC Mycenaean, then فونیقیn colony
Thebes Mycenaean Greece Boeotia, Greece c. 1400 BC Mycenaean foundation
تریکالا Mycenaean Greece ثیسالیا, Greece before 1200 BC founded as Trikke
خالسیس Mycenaean Greece Greece before 1200 BC mentioned by Homer
لزبن Iron Age Iberia Portugal c. 1200 BC A settlement since the جدید زمانہ پتھر. Allis Ubbo, arguably a فونیقیn name, became Olissipo(-nis) in Greek and لاطینی زبان (also Felicitas Julia after Roman conquest in 205 BC).
کادیز Iron Age Iberia اندلوسیا, Spain 1100 BC founded as فونیقیn Gadir, "Europe's oldest city"[۷۸][۷۹]
پاتراس Mycenaean Greece Greece c. 1100 BC founded by Patreus
متسختا Caucasian Iberia Georgia c. 1000 BC Remains of towns at this location have been dated to earlier than the year 1000 BC, and Mtskheta was capital of the early Georgian Kingdom of Iberia during the 3rd century BC – 5th century AD. It was the site of early Christian activity, and the location where Christianity was proclaimed the state religion of Georgia in 337.
Mytilene Lesbos شمالی ایجیئن, Greece 10th century BC
Chios خیوس شمالی ایجیئن, Greece c. 1100 BC
یریوان Urartu آرمینیا 782 BC [۸۰] Founded as Erebuni. The Shengavit Settlement in the southwestern district of Yerevan was founded in the late 4th millennium BC, during the Calcolithic period.
اشبیلیہ Iron Age Iberia اندلوسیا, Spain 8th century BC founded as Tartessian Spal.[۸۱]
مالقہ Iron Age Iberia اندلوسیا, Spain 8th century BC founded as فونیقیn Malaka.[۸۲]
کالیاری Sardinia ساردینیا, Italy 8th century BC Founded by فونیقیns from Tyre as Krly, Caralis in roman times, Callaris in middle ages.
روم Latium Lazio, Italy 753 BC Continuous habitation since approximately 1000 BC.; pastoral village on the northern part of the Palatine Hill dated to the 9th century BC; see also History of Rome and Founding of Rome.
میسینا (as Zancle) صقلیہ صقلیہ 8th century BC
Reggio di Calabria (as Rhégion) Magna Graecia Calabria, Italy 743 BC[۸۳] Continuous habitation since approximately 1500 BC, as we have notice about the Ausonian-Italic pre-Greek settlement and about the sculptor Léarchos of Reggio (early 15th century BC)[۸۳] and King Iokastos (late 13th century BC).[۸۳]
Syracuse صقلیہ صقلیہ, Italy 734 BC A colony of the Greek city of کورینتھ
Volterra Tuscany Tuscany, Italy c. 725 BC An Etruscan mining settlement [۸۴]
کروتونے (as Kroton) Calabria Magna Graecia, Italy 710 BC
تارانتو (as Taras) Magna Graecia Puglia, Italy 706 BC
Corfu, Kerkyra کورفو ایونی جزائر, Greece 700 BC
ناپولی Magna Graecia Italy c. 680 BC[۸۵] Actually the date at which an older settlement close by, called Parthenope, was founded by settlers from Cumae. This eventually merged with Neapolis proper, which was founded c. 470 BC.
استمبول/Byzantion تھریس اناطولیہ ترکی 685 BC Anatolia
667 BC Thrace
Neolithic site dated to 6400 BC, over port of Lygos by Thracians c. 1150 BC
دراج Illyria البانیا 627 BC Founded[۸۶] by settlers from کورفو & کورینتھ as Epidamnos
Kerch جزیرہ نما کریمیا روس/یوکرین 7th century BC
Feodosiya (as Theodosia) جزیرہ نما کریمیا روس/یوکرین 7th century BC
ایدیسا، یونان Macedonia Greece before the 6th century BC capital of Macedonia up to 6th century BC
مارسیلز (as Massilia) Gaul France 600 BC A colony of the Greek city of Phocaea
وارنا تھریس Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, بلغاریہ 585 BC – 570 BC founded[۸۷] as Odessos by settlers from Miletus
Sant Martí d'Empúries (as Emporion) جزیرہ نما آئبیریا کاتالونیا, Spain ca. 575 BC A colony of the Greek city of Phocaea. Present Sant Martí is on the ancient Palaiopolis of Emporion, in an island next to the coast; in 550 BC, the inhabitants moved to the mainland, creating the Neapolis: Palaiapolis remained as a small neighbourhood.
کاوالا Macedonia Greece 6th century BC founded as Neapolis
Mangalia Dacia رومانیہ 6th century BC founded as Callatis
کونستانتسا Dacia رومانیہ 6th century BC founded as Tomis
مانتووا Po Valley Lombardy, Italy 6th century BC Village settlement since c. 2000 BC; became an Etruscan city in the 6th century BC.
Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi Bessarabia یوکرین 6th century BC founded as Tyras
سیرس Macedonia Greece 5th century BC first mentioned in the 5th century BC as Siris
Lamia Greece Greece before the 5th century BC first mentioned 424 BC
ویروئا Macedonia Greece c. 432 BC first mentioned by تھوسی ڈائڈز in 432 BC
Rhodes Rhodes, بحیرہ ایجیئن Dodecanese, Greece c. 408 BC
صوفیہ Moesia Sofia Valley, بلغاریہ 4th century BC Celtic foundation as Serdica.[۸۸]
میتز Gaul France 4th century BC founded as the oppidum of Celtic Mediomatrici. However, Human permanent presence has been established in the site since 2500 BC.
Roses (as Rhode) جزیرہ نما آئبیریا کاتالونیا, Spain 4th century BC The exactly origin of the city is unknown, but there are remains of a Greek colony from the 4th century BC, although some historians consider the foundation earlier, at the 8th century BC. However, permanent human presence has been established in the site since 3000 BC as evidenced by the different megalithic monuments surrounding the city.
قابالا (as Kabalaka) Caucasian Albania آذربائیجان 4th century BC Archeological evidence indicates that the city functioned as the capital of the Caucasian Albania as early as the 4th century BC.[۸۹]
ستارا زاگورا تھریس بلغاریہ 342 BC It was called Beroe in ancient times and was founded by فلپ دوم مقدونی[۹۰][۹۱][۹۲][۹۳] although a Thracian settlement neolithic inhabitation have been discovered as well.
تھیسالونیکی مقدونیہ (قدیم مملکت) Greece 315 BC founded as a new city in the same place of the older city Therme.
بیرات مقدونیہ (قدیم مملکت) البانیا 314 BC Founded[۹۴] by Cassander as بیرات
ووکووار Illyria کروشیا 3500 BC Vučedol culture
زاغرب Illyria کروشیا 1 st century In the region of today's Zagreb, Romans founded the city Andautonia.
بلغراد Illyria سربیا 279 BC Vinča culture prospered around Belgrade in the 6th millennium BC. Founded as Singidunum.
نیش Illyria سربیا 279 BC Founded as Navissos. Neolithic settlements date to 5000–2000 BC.
Cartagena (as Carthago Nova) جزیرہ نما آئبیریا Spain 228 BC Carthaginian colony, founded by Hasdrubal Barca
بارسلونا (as Barcino) جزیرہ نما آئبیریا کاتالونیا, Spain 3rd century BC Unknown origin. Several neolithics tombs (5000-4500 BC) and remains from the Iberian period have been found, as well as several drachma coins inscribed with the word "Barkeno". There is also a hypothesis about a small Greek settlement called Kallípolis to have existed in the area. However, the first archaeological remains of buildings are from the Roman period.
تاریگؤنا (as Tarraco) جزیرہ نما آئبیریا کاتالونیا, Spain 218 BC Roman colony, founded by Gnaeus and Publius Cornelius Scipio
Stobi/Gradsko Macedonia جمہوریہ مقدونیہ 217 BC founded as Stobi by Philip V of Macedon
سرمسکا میترووتسا Illyria سربیا 1st century BC Founded as Sirmium. Neolithic settlements date to 5000 BC and are with other archeological findings evidence to continuous habitation.
سمیدیریوو Illyria سربیا 1st century BC Founded as Semendria.
لیوبلیانا اطالیہ سلووینیا 50 BC Area first settled by people living in pile dwellings around 2000 BC. Around 50 BC, the Romans built a military encampment that later became a permanent settlement called Iulia Aemona.
Ptuj Pannonia سلووینیا 1st century BC Ptuj is the oldest city in Slovenia. There is evidence that the area was settled in the Stone Age. In the Late Iron Age it was settled by Celts. By the 1st century BC, the settlement was controlled by Ancient Rome.
Évora Lusitania Portugal 53 BC (Roman conquest) Evidence of Lusitanian settlement prior to Roman occupation.
پیرس Lutetia France 52 BC Archaeological evidence indicates human habitation as early as 4200 BC.[۹۵] During the Gallic Wars, Caesar's armies set fire to Lutetia "a town of the Parisii, situated on an island on the river Seine."[۹۶] While only a garrison at best on the Île de la Cité during some periods after 1st and 2nd century, was renamed Paris in 360 AD[۹۷][۹۸]
زیورخ (Lindenhof) Gaul Switzerland c. 50 BC lakeside settlement traces dating to the Neolithic.
Trier Gallia Belgica Germany 30 BC Oldest city in Germany.
نیمیخن Germania Inferior Netherlands 19 BC Oldest city in the Netherlands.
کؤر Raetia Prima گراوبوندن, Switzerland 15 BC habitation since the 4th millennium BC (Pfyn culture).
Worms Germania Superior Germany 14 BC The name of the city derives from the Latin designation Borbetomagus which is of Celtic origin.
Tongeren Germania Inferior Belgium 10 BC Oldest city in Belgium.
زولوتورن Gaul Switzerland c. 20 AD Evidence of pre-Roman, Celtic settlement; newly founded by the Romans between 14 and 37 AD, called the "oldest city in Gaul besides Trier" in a verse on the city's clock tower.
لندن (as لوندینیوم) Britannia UK (England) 43 AD Archaeological evidence near Vauxhall Bridge indicates that the wider area has been occupied for at least 3,500 years.[۹۹]
Bath (as Aquae Sulis) Britannia UK (England) 43 AD The city was established as a spa town by the Romans in 43 AD[۱۰۰]
کولون (علاقہ) Germania Inferior Germany 50 AD Founded in 38 BC by the Ubii, a Germanic tribe, as Oppidum Ubiorum. In 50 AD, the Romans adopted the location as Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium and the city became in 85 AD the capital of the Roman province.
ونچیسٹر (as Venta Belgarum) Britannia UK (England) c. 70 AD Winchester was built as a Roman town in c. 70 AD.[۱۰۱]
یورک (as Eboracum) Britannia UK (England) c. 72 AD The city was founded in or around AD 72 when the 9th Roman Legion set up camp there.[۱۰۲]
سکوپیے Macedonia (Roman province) جمہوریہ مقدونیہ 81–96 AD Founded in the time of Domitian as Scupi.
نووی ساد Illyria سربیا 1st century AD Founded as Cusum.
باکو آذربائیجان Absheron peninsula The 1st century AD. The first written evidence for Baku dates to the 1st century AD.[۱۰۳]
وردون Lotharingia France 4th century seat of the bishop of Verdun from the 4th century, but populated earlier.
کیف Medieval East Slavic civilization یوکرین 482 AD Founded by Slavic tribe leader Kyi. Some sources suggest Kiev was founded in 640 BC.
تبلیسی Caucasian Iberia کارتلی province, جارجیا c. 500 According to the widely accepted legend the city was founded by King Vakhtang I Gorgasali of Georgia. New archaeological studies of the region have revealed that the territory of Tbilisi was settled by humans as early as the 4th millennium BC. The earliest actual (recorded) accounts of settlement of the location come from the 4th century, when a fortress was built during King Varaz-Bakur's reign.
ابرڈین Pictland UK (Scotland) c. 580 A settlement was established by c. 580 when records show the city's first church was built then. However, there is archaeological evidence of settlements in the area dating back to 6000BC.[۱۰۴]
ایڈنبرا as Din Eidyn Gododdin UK (Scotland) c. 580 Edinburgh is mention as a settlement in the poem Y Gododdin, traditionally dated to the around the late 6th and early 7th century.[۱۰۵] The Poem uses The Brythonic name Din Eidyn (Fort of Eidyn) for Edinburgh and describes it as the capital of Gododdin. It is not until around 638 that the city starts being referred to as Edin-burh or Edinburgh, after the city was conquered by the Angles of Bernicia[۱۰۶]
پراگ بوہیمیا Czech Republic c. 6th century The first written record dates back to the 10th century.
اینورنس Pictland UK (Scotland) c. 6th century A settlement was established by the 6th century when St Columba visited the Pictish King Brude at his fortress there.[۱۰۷]
گلاسگو Dál Riata or Alt Clut UK (Scotland) c. 6th century A settlement was founded in the 6th century[۱۰۸] by St Mungo, who is the city's patron Saint.[۱۰۹]
ایونیا بازنطینی سلطنت Greece 527–565 founded by emperor جسٹینین اول
کراکوف (Wawel Hill) Lesser Poland Poland 7th century[۱۱۰] The first written record dates back to the 10th century.
آرہس Denmark c. 770[حوالہ درکار]
Ribe Jutland ڈنمارک 704–710 [۱۱۱] Oldest town in Denmark
Staraya Ladoga Russia 753
ایراکلیون کریٹ Greece 824 founded by the Saracens
ڈبلن Ireland Ireland 841 Dublin was founded as a city by the وائى كنگ in the 9th century, but there were two older Irish settlements which existed on the same spot several centuries before they arrived; Áth Cliath ("ford of hurdles") and Duiblinn ("Black Pool").
ویلیکی نووگورود Russia 859
Polatsk Belarus 862
ریکیاوک آئس لینڈ آئس لینڈ c. 871[۱۱۲]
کسانتھی تھریس Greece before 879 first medieval reference as Xantheia
ویٹبسک Belarus 947
Skara Sweden 988
لونڈ Denmark Sweden c. 990[۱۱۳]
ترونہائیم ناروے ناروے 997 Founded by king Olav Tryggvason. Archaeological findings of city settlement back to the 8th century.


ناں تریخی علاوقہ مقام جدوں توں مسلسل آباد اے نوٹس
!a !a !a −9e99
~z ~z ~z 9e99
Ternate Sultanate of Ternate انڈونیشیا 1109 AD[۱۱۴] Twin of Tidore, oldest surviving Papuan cities.
تیدور Sultanate of Tidore انڈونیشیا 1109 AD[۱۱۴] Twin of Ternate, oldest surviving Papuan cities.
سڈنی نیو ساؤتھ ویلز آسٹریلیا 1788 آسٹریلیا تے اوشیانہ دا قدیم ترین شہر،آسٹریلیا دا دارالحکومت
ہوبارٹ تسمانیا Australia 1803 Second oldest city in Australia, State Capital
Newcastle New South Wales Australia 1804 Third oldest city in Australia
لانسسٹن، تسمانیا Tasmania Australia 1806 Fourth oldest city in Australia
کیریکیری نارتھ لینڈ علاقہ نیوزی لینڈ c. 1818 Oldest European settlement in New Zealand
برسبین کوئنزلینڈ Australia 1825 Fifth oldest city in Australia, State Capital
البانی، آسٹریلیا مغربی آسٹریلیا Australia 1827 Oldest city in the West Coast of Australia
پرتھ Western Australia Australia 1829 State Capital
ملبورن وکٹوریہ (آسٹریلیا) Australia 1835 State Capital
ایڈیلیڈ جنوبی آسٹریلیا Australia 1836 State Capital
ڈارون, شمالی علاقہ شمالی علاقہ (آسٹریلیا) Australia 1869 State Capital
کینبرا آسٹریلوی دارالحکومت علاقہ Australia 1913 Capital city of Australia

ہور ویکھو



  1. Overy et al. (1999:43); Aldred (1998:42,44)
  2. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  3. David W. Phillipson, Ancient Churches of Ethiopia (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009), p. 36
  4. James Hingston Tuckey, Maritime geography and statistics, or A description of the ocean and its coasts, maritime commerce, navigation, &c, (Printed for Black, Parry, and Co.: 1815), p.30.
  5. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  6. McIntosh, Susan Keech; McIntosh, Roderick J.. Jenne-jeno, an ancient African city. Rice University Anthropology. http://anthropology.rice.edu/Content.aspx?id=500سانچہ:Inconsistent citations  Archived 2018-12-25 at the وے بیک مشین
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  9. Lee V. Cassanelli, The shaping of Somali society: reconstructing the history of a pastoral people, 1600-1900, (University of Pennsylvania Press: 1982), p.75.
  10. "Fes". Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. 3 March 2007
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  14. سانتا فے، نیو میکسیکو, which is sometimes cited for this, was abandoned due to Indian raiding from 1680 to 1692, and its inhabitants did not succeed in living in the area continuously until after 1692.
  15. Kelly Hearn, "Ancient Temple Discovered Among Inca Ruins", National Geographic News, 31 March 2008, accessed 12 January 2010
  16. Vidula Jayaswal (2009). Ancient Varanasi: an archaeological perspective (excavations at Aktha). Aryan Books International, 205. ISBN 978-81-7305-355-9. Retrieved on 31 October 2012. “"[R]emains of Period I at Aktha which have been dated to circa twelfth/eleventh century BC is [sic] so far the earliest known archaeological horizon of Varanasi area."” 
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  24. "Expert on past dies; 82". Philippine Daily Inquirer. 2008-10-21. http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingnews/nation/view/20081021-167699/Expert-on-past-dies-82. Retrieved on
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  25. History for Brunei (2009). History for Brunei Darussalam: Sharing our Past. Curriculum Development Department, Ministry of Education. ISBN 99917-2-372-2. 
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  27. Scott, William Prehispanic Source Materials: For the Study of Philippine History, p. 66
  28. Bullough, Nigel (Indonesian 50th independence day commemorative edition – 1995). in Mujiyono PH: Historic East Java: Remains in Stone. Jakarta: ADLine Communications, 19. 
  29. Abdul Rahman, Haji Ismail; Abdullah Zakaria, Ghazali; Zulkanain, Abdul Rahman (2011), A New Date on the Establishment of Melaka Malay Sultanate Discovered, Institut Kajian Sejarah dan Patriotisme ( Institute of Historical Research and Patriotism ), archived from the original on 2018-10-01, retrieved 2012-11-04 
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  33. Ciasca, Antonia (2001). "Phoenicia", in Sabatino Moscati: The Phoenicians. I.B.Tauris, 170. ISBN 1-85043-533-2. 
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  37. Burns, Ross (2007). Damascus: A History, New, Routledge, 2. ISBN 978-0-415-41317-6. 
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  39. Daniel T. Potts (1999). Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 45–46. ISBN 9780521564960. OCLC 51240487. 
  40. Paul A. Tucci, Mathew T. Rosenberg (2009). Handy Geography Answer Book. Detroit: Visible Ink Press, 92. ISBN 9781578592159. OCLC 262886502. 
  41. M. Streck, Clifford Edmund Bosworth (1997). دائرۃ المعارف الاسلامیہ, San-Sze IX. Leiden: Brill, 898–899. ISBN 9789004104228. 
  42. Sidon
  43. The world's oldest cities, telegraph.co.uk
  44. Gaziantep
  45. Gaziantep
  46. Gates, Charles (2003). "Near Eastern, Egyptian, and Aegean Cities", Ancient Cities: The Archaeology of Urban Life in the Ancient Near East and Egypt, Greece and Rome. Routledge, 18. ISBN 0-415-01895-1. “Jericho, in the Jordan River Valley in Israel, inhabited from ca. 9000 BC to the present day, offers important evidence for the earliest permanent settlements in the Near East.” 
  47. Martell, Hazel Mary (2001). "The Fertile Crescent", The Kingfisher Book of the Ancient World: From the Ice Age to the Fall of Rome. Kingfisher Publications, 18. ISBN 0-7534-5397-5. “People first settled there from around 9000 B.C., and by 8000 B.C., the community was organized enough to build a stone wall to defend the city.” 
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  49. Ryan, Donald P. (1999). "Digging up the Bible", The Complete Idiot's Guide to Lost Civilizations. Alpha Books, 137. ISBN 0-02-862954-X. “The city was walled during much of its history and the evidence indicates that it was abandoned several times, and later expanded and rebuilt several times.” 
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  81. Manuel Jesús Roldán Salgueiro (2007). Historia de Sevilla. Almuzara. ISBN 978-84-88586-24-7. Retrieved on 9 February 2013. 
  82. The Phoenicians and the West: politics, colonies and trade. María Eugenia Aubet
  83. ۸۳.۰ ۸۳.۱ ۸۳.۲ Domenico Spanò Bolani (1857). Storia di Reggio di Calabria ... sino all'anno ... 1797 (in Italian). Retrieved on 19 January 2013. 
  84. Unesco history of Volterra
  85. "Greek Naples". Faculty.ed.umuc.edu. 8 January 2008. http://faculty.ed.umuc.edu/~jmatthew/naples/Greek_Naples.html. 
  86. An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis: An Investigation Conducted by The Copenhagen Polis Centre for the Danish National Research Foundation by Mogens Herman Hansen, 2005, page 330,"Epidamnos was founded in either 627 or 625 (Hieron. Chron"
  87. An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis: An Investigation Conducted by The Copenhagen Polis Centre for the Danish National Research Foundation by Mogens Herman Hansen,2005,page 936,
  88. The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume 3, Part 2: The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires and Other States of the Near East, from the Eighth to the Sixth Centuries BC by John Boardman, I. E. S. Edwards, E. Sollberger, and N. G. L. Hammond, ISBN 0-521-22717-8, 1992, page 600: "In the place of the vanished Treres and Tilataei we find the Serdi for whom there is no evidence before the first century BC. It has for long being supposed on convincing linguistic and archeological grounds that this tribe was of Celtic origin."
  89. Revisiting History
  90. Women and slaves in Greco-Roman culture: differential equations by Sandra Rae Joshel, Sheila Murnaghan,1998,page 214,"Philip II founded cities at Beroe, Kabyle, and Philippopolis in 342/1, and Aegean-style urban life began to penetrate Thrace."
  91. Late Roman villas in the Danube-Balkan region by Lynda Mulvin,2002,page 19,"Other roads went through Beroe (founded by Philip II of Macedon)",
  92. Philip of Macedon by Louïza D. Loukopoulou,1980,page 98, "Upriver in the valley between the Rhodope and Haimos Philip founded Beroe (Stara Zagora) and Philippolis (Plovdiv)."
  93. The cities in Thrace and Dacia in late antiquity: (studies and materials) by Velizar Iv Velkov,1977,page 128, "Founded by Philipp 11 on the site of an old Thracian settlement, it has existed without interruption from that time."
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  • Aldred, Cyril (1998). The Egyptians. Thames and Hudson: London.
  • Overy et al. (1999). The Times History of The World: New Edition. Times Books/Harper-Collins: London.