
Satsang: A Gathering of Consciousness
Being on a spiritual journey can be fraught with many challenges and obstacles. Questions, concerns, and doubts may arise at any time. We sometimes feel stuck or just spinning our wheels, in need of some external insight or inspiration. Or perhaps we just wish to share our spiritual story with others. Satsang provides the opportunity and support for all of...
Creating Support During Difficult Times
As we create space for ourselves to be supported, we can show up more fully and with sustained commitment to the healing of those we seek to help.
Self-Care as Community Care, Community Care as Self-Care
As humans, we have an innate desire to connect and to belong. We aren’t designed to carry everything we experience alone. We’re built to be in community, to support and uplift one another. Somewhere along the lines, it became glorified to do everything alone. We’ve been taught that asking for support is a sign of weakness and that when we...
3 Key Ingredients You Need to Bounce Back
If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times - “Everyone suffers. It’s the human condition.” Whether you’re an Olympic athlete or a champion at binging shows on Netflix, you’re human. Because you’re human, you face adversity on a regular basis.You might be grappling with the existential threat of climate change, feeling the pain of heartache, or grieving...
I Went On Chopra's Explore & Restore Wellness Voyage and Here's What Happened
Join Alex May as she sets sail from Panama to Acapulco on the Explore and Restore wellness voyage aboard Swan Hellenic's luxury yacht. In this vlog, Alex shares her experience and offers a glimpse into the self-discovery workshops, daily meditation and yoga classes, cultural expeditions, and stunning accommodations. Watch her transformational journey unfold and the connections that form along the way:  Begin Your Journey  Interested in experiencing this for yourself? The Explore...
Practicing Self-love Through Giving
"It’s the most selfish thing I’ve done in my life is give. Because of the joy that I get from it. I love it.” I’m a believer in loving yourself before you can love others. No question there. And certainly, after the past few years and challenging series of events, we could all use some extra TLC. But what if...
Honoring Our Inherent Connection with the Environment
We are all intrinsically connected to nature. The more we awaken to this truth, the more powerful we become. The same five elements in nature- fire, water, earth, air and space- are the same five elements found within our bodies; in Ayurveda this is known as the Panchamahabuta theory.The Ayurvedic tradition recognizes that there is a delicate balance between these...
Adopt the Practice of Writing Morning Pages to Boost Creativity
In a culture that has commodified the fruits of creativity to the degree that ours has, it can be easy for us to feel cut off from our inherent creative energy if we are not producing something tangible. In reality, creativity is not a special stream that only some of us can tap into and enjoy. By the very virtue...
Six Authentic Ways to be of Service to Others and Ourselves
This year, as we honor Martin Luther King, Jr., we face many uncertainties that may keep us from centering ourselves in his message of peace and social transformation. Among these uncertainties, a deadly pandemic that keeps us from our families, jobs, and places of worship, and a political system that has been bent to its very foundation. The good news...
Is Peace Possible? How to Create a Peaceful Moment, Day, and World
Today, September 21, the world celebrates the International Day of Peace—a day declared by the United Nations in 1981, asking humanity to commit to peace. On this day, we press pause on our disagreements, set down our weapons, and join together as one human race.This year, however, Peace Day feels particularly far-fetched, especially in the United States. While in the...
Cultural Appropriation vs. Cultural Appreciation: How to Do Better
With generations of consistent movement of people all around the globe and the ever-increasing globalization of society comes the transference of goods, foods, traditions, languages, music, and people. Cultures morph, combust, and combine. Almost every ritual, practice, and beloved tradition you have ever (or never) heard of comes from another. There is a sweetness and connection that comes from, say,...
10 Gratitude Activities to Do with Your Family This Thanksgiving
Most people know that gratitude generates good feelings. But did you know that a dose of thankfulness can also positively impact your health, happiness, resilience, and relationships? Research in the field of positive psychology has shown, time and time again, that purposefully cultivating gratitude can have far-reaching effects in your life. This month of November is a perfect time to...
10 Ways to Give Thanks to Your Community This Thanksgiving
The spirit of Thanksgiving is more than just eating a big meal and watching football; this holiday season is about expressing gratitude for the people, places, and things in your life that you often take for granted. A chance to slow down and consider the abundance in your life, Thanksgiving is a time for community involvement and provides countless opportunities...