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About the Gallery

House Floor

The House Press Gallery assists credentialed members of the daily print and online news media and enforces the rules for coverage of the U.S. Congress. The gallery operates under the stewardship of the Standing Committee of Correspondents, created in 1879, pursuant to House Rule 6 and Senate Rule 33. The gallery staff works with the Standing Committee of Correspondents and congressional leadership to supervise and administer the operations of the gallery.

Over 1,500 correspondents from hundreds of media organizations have permanent press credentials through the House and Senate daily press galleries. Each of these journalists is afforded access to the Capitol complex, and the galleries provide workspace, access to the House and Senate Chambers, and other services to working journalists on Capitol Hill.

The House Press Gallery is located adjacent to the House Chamber in the U.S. Capitol and serves the needs of accredited news organizations and applicants. 

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