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Parent Volunteer Opportunities

Sixteen of Preuss' most involved parents for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Why Volunteer?

Parent volunteers play an important role to the success of The Preuss School UC San Diego.  When parents actively participate in their child's school, their child benefits. 

Parent Volunteer Hours

Parents are not required to volunteer as a condition of admission, continued enrollment, and/or participation in the school's educational activities.  We encourage parents to continue their support by being an active participant in their child's education. We want to acknowledge those parents that continue to participate in school events, parent teacher conferences, attend PTA meetings, volunteer their time at school, and other parent enrichment activities provided by the school to inform and encourage parents to be leaders in their communities.  We will continue to end our school year with a Parent Appreciation Event to celebrate parents who are highly engaged in school events to support their student. 

Volunteer Opportunities

There are many volunteer opportunities during school hours, after school, or during the weekend. Volunteer opportunities include helping out in the library, office, classroom, or chaperone at a field trip or dance. Volunteering and attending school events, Saturday PTA general meetings, PTA board meetings, and SAC meetings, and/or joining a committee.

Sign Up for ParentSquare

Receive information on school events and upcoming volunteer opportunities by visiting ParentSquare. Click on the image of ParentSquare below to sign in.


Updates are made weekly so please check in often.

For more information on parent volunteer opportunities or if you have questions about your ParentSquare account, please email [email protected] or call (858) 822-0020.