Benefits Framework

Benefits framework

The benefits framework is the first UN-wide approach to managing change. It creates a common understanding on how to clearly identify and define the objectives of any change, implement, monitor and report on them. 

Benefits are

the measurable improvement resulting from an outcome perceived as an advantage by one or more stakeholders, which contributes towards one or more organisational objectives

The benefits of our reforms may not be financial or even quantifiable, but this does not mean they are not real improvements.

“The framework is intended to help us know we are delivering the reforms we promised; (a) improving our ability to deliver mandates more effectively, and (b) demonstrating the UN is a more transparent, accountable, agile and flexible organisation. Furthermore, the framework is the stepping stone for the UN to transition to a continuous improvement system.

Benefits management is not a ‘tick box exercise’. UN staff need to apply critical thinking and professional judgement, supported, but not constrained by, the approaches and tools detailed in this framework. This framework is principles based and reflects lessons learned from our collective experience to date, the results of a recent pilot, and good practice from other organisations around the world. The framework is a live document and will be continuously improved based on our experiences.

There is an expression; “every improvement is a change, but not every change is an improvement”. It is our responsibility to help the Secretary-General demonstrate to the UN’s stakeholders that the UN is not only changing but improving. Proving the benefits throughout the reform process and beyond will help us achieve this."

Jens Wandel


Download the benefits framework

If you have any questions please email [email protected] for more information.


Benefits categories

In the section below, you can learn about the different benefits categories and their definitions by hovering over them.

  • Increased transparency

    Transparency over resources and results at the level of organizations as well as at the level of individual managers
  • Cross-pillar cooperation

    Stronger cross-pillar cooperation with Development and Human Rights pillars
  • Whole-of-pillar approach

    Reduced fragmentation of efforts and a more joined up, whole-of-pillar approach for Peace and Security
  • Organizational functions

    Better results through alignment of structures with the 2030 Agenda for Development and Sustaining Peace at the country, regional and global levels
  • Gender parity

    Transforming institutional culture through achievement of gender parity


  • Simplification

    Streamlining of processes to make them more cost effective and efficient
  • Capability

    Enhanced capabilities to deliver on mandates and the Agenda 2030
  • Coherence / coordination

    A joined up, coordinated and integrated approach to delivery of results
  • Effectiveness

    Substantive performance of an organization
  • Efficiency

    The most economical use of resources with a unique contribution to improving concrete aspects of operations


  • Empower managers

    Increased manager’s ability to determine how best to use resources to support programme delivery and mandate implementation
  • Delegation

    Enhancing and accelerating responses to requirements on the ground through increased delegation
  • Accountability

    Greater accountability for managing resources and delivering results at an organizational and individual level
  • Alignment

    Strong alignment of responsibility, resources and accountability


Benefits framework (manual)


The links below will direct you to the respective section in the manual:

Defining benefits

Defining benefits management

Benefits management cycle