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Justin S. Crotteau

Justin S. Crotteau
Research Forester
800 East Beckwith Avenue
Missoula, MT 59801-5801
United States

Current Research

I investigate forest structural and compositional change (i.e., stand dynamics) to inform management. Active forest management plays an integral role in providing society the resources required to function and flourish. Overall, my research elucidates stand responses to natural disturbances or silvicultural practices in multiple benefit forests, and therefore has implications for timber production, biodiversity, restoration, and resilience to future disturbances.

Scientist in Charge of the Boise Basin Experimental Forest and Coram Experimental Forest.

Research Interest

  • Silviculture
  • Stand dynamics
  • Disturbance ecology
  • Emulating natural disturbances
  • Natural regeneration
  • Fire and fuels

Why This Research Is Important

Understanding how forests change in response to management decisions and natural disturbances is imperative for delivering sustainable benefits to forest land owners. By evaluating forest structural and compositional change in the past we are able to assess the tradeoffs associated with management activity or inactivity. Ultimately, this leads to enhanced understanding of forest dynamics and improved decision making for the future.


  • University of Montana, Ph.D., Forest and Conservation Sciences, 2017
  • Humboldt State University, M.S., Forestry, 2011

Professional Experience

  • Research Forester,  USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station - Missoula,  2019 - Current
  • Research Forester,  USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station - Juneau,  2018 - 2019

Professional Organizations

  • Associate Editor (Editorial Board),  Northwest Scientific Association,  2019 - Current
  • Member,  Association for Fire Ecology,  2017 - Current
  • Member,  Society of American Foresters (SAF),  2010 - Current
    -Juneau, Alaska chapter. Chair-elect, 2019. -Montana state chapter. Science and Technology Chair (2021-present). Chair-Elect (2022). Chair (2023).

Awards & Recognition

  • Montana Society of American Foresters Young Forester Leadership Award, 2023

Other Publications

Last updated September 7, 2024