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Susan B. Adams

Susan B. Adams
Team Leader / Research Fish Biologist
1000 Front Street
Oxford, MS 38655-4915
United States

Current Research

I conduct research on the biology and community ecology of native, warmwater crayfishes and fishes at various spatial and temporal scales in the southeastern US. Research is directed toward quantifying the effects of disturbance on aquatic systems, understanding factors limiting distributions, and improving knowledge about the taxonomy, distribution, and life history of crayfishes. Much of my current work focuses on how press (e.g., stream warming, dams, land use changes) and pulse (e.g., fire, major storms) disturbances influence communities. I also conduct research in Montana on crayfishes and on sculpin distributions and their changes with stream warming.

Current research projects include:

  • Assessing crayfish community changes in Montana's Columbia River Basin since the 1980's.
  • Investigating causes and extent of crayfish plague outbreaks in western Montana
  • Using multidisciplinary approaches to understand native versus nonnative status of Montana crayfishes.
  • Statewide assessment of Montana crayfishes
  • Clarifying the phylogenetics and taxonomy of the crayfish genus Creaserinus in the southeastern US.
  • Clarifying the phylogenetics and taxonomy of the crayfish genus Hobbseus in the southeastern US.
  • Literature review of crayfish predators.
  • Literature review of animals using crayfish burrows.
  • Life histories of crayfishes in Mississippi
  • Crayfish species descriptions
  • Stream temperatures and Yazoo darters

Past Research

Past research has included:

  • Habitat correlates of bull trout in Idaho streams
  • Mechanisms of invasion by brook trout in Montana and Idaho
  • Movements by sculpin, Rocky Mountain tailed frogs, and boreal toads in western streams
  • Life history, habitat use, diet, and population genetics of Alabama shad
  • Effects of hurricanes and drought on warmater stream fishes
  • Seasonal and interannual variation in warmwater fish assemblages
  • Phylogenetics of crayfishes in the Trisellescens subgenus of the genus Orconectes
  • Effects of anthropological disturbances, including dams and fire, on crayfishes
  • Life history and phylogenetics of crayfishes
  • Effects of prescribed fire and mulching on primary burrowing crayfish populations
  • Origins of crayfish plague

Why This Research Is Important

My research provides a basis for managing and conserving aquatic resources. Indeed, the phylogenetics research contributes the most fundamental information required for conservation, because we must know what we are conserving before we can conserve it. Results inform water management and help us understand how animals interact with water quality and quantity and inform restoration practices. Research on prescribed fire and burrowing crayfishes is some of the first of its kind and informs prescribed burning practices and analyses of wildfire effects on southeastern prairie and savannah ecosystems.


  • The University of Montana, Missoula, Ph.D., Organismal Biology and Ecology, 1999
  • University of Idaho, Moscow, M.S., Fisheries Resources, 1994
  • Carleton College, Northfield, MN, B.A., Biology, 1986

Professional Organizations

  • Graduate committee member,  Montana State University,  2023 - Current
  • Member Of Graduate School,  University of Alabama,  2021 - Current
  • Editorial Board,  Freshwater Crayfish, Journal of the International Assoc. of Astacology,  2010 - Current
  • Member,  Society of Freshwater Science,  2010 - Current
  • Past-President,  International Association of Astacology,  2004 - Current
  • Adjunct Faculty,  University of Mississippi,  2001 - Current
  • Member,  American Fisheries Society,  1991 - Current
  • Graduate School Affiliate,  Louisiana State University,  2012 - 2016
  • Adjunct Faculty,  University of Southern Mississippi,  2002 - 2013

Awards & Recognition

  • The University of Montana Distinguished Alumni Award, 2023
    "Recipients of the award are individuals who have distinguished themselves in a particular field, bringing honor to the University, the state or the nation."
  • Outstanding Professional Presentation Award, 2018
    For Adams (presenter) and Hereford: "Burning down the house: effects of prescribed burning and mechanical vegetation treatments on primary burrowing crayfish densities" presented at the 22nd International Assoc. of Astacology meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Outstanding Student Presentation Award, 2018
    For Z. Barnett (presenter) et al. "Detectable Effects of Impoundments on the Genetic Structure of Crayfish (Faxonius spp.) in Alabama 43 Years After Dam Closure" presented at the 22nd International Assoc. of Astacology meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Runner-Up Award for Best Oral Presentation in Applied Research, 2018
    For Barnett, Z.C. (presenter), S.B. Adams, and C.A. Ochs. 2018. Environmental impacts to crayfish and fish populations in impounded and unimpounded streams in Alabama. Society for Freshwater Science annual meeting. May 21-24. Detroit, MI.
  • 2018 Jim Sedell Excellence in Research Award, 2018
    National FS Rise to the Future award. Honors outstanding contributions in aquatic research.
  • Outstanding Scientific Accomplishment Award, 2015
    Awarded by the USFS Southern Research Station Director as part of the Inspiring Women Awards Program.
  • USDA Certificate of Merit, 2011
    for valuable contributions to the Climate Change Resource Center
  • Southern Research Station Civil Rights Committee Award , 2010
    For establishing a community garden in Oxford, MS.
  • Best Professional Paper Award, 2009
    For D.A Schmetterling (presenter) et al.: "Climate change mediates the spatial partitioning of sculpin and longnose dace leading to trophic cascades in riverine ecosystems of western Montana" presented at the Montana Chapter American Fisheries meeting.
  • Rise to the Future, Professional Excellence in Research Award, 2006
    A national FS award recognizing outstanding research accomplishments by a FS aquatic scientist.
  • US Forest Service Southern Research Station Director’s Award , 2004
    Awarded to the to the Aquatic and Terrestrial Fauna Team for Maintaining and Enhancing the Nation’s Natural Resources.
  • Best Student Paper Award, 1997
    for research presented at the Montana Chapter American Fisheries Society annual meeting

Other Publications

Citations of Non-Forest Service Publications

  • Elkins, D.C., et al. 2016. The southeastern aquatic biodiversity conservation strategy. Final report. Athens, GA, University of Georgia River Basin Center: 237 pages. (Adams served on the project advisory board and contributed data and expertise to the project)

Last updated December 1, 2023