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Tara M. Barrett

Research Forester
1133 N. Western Avenue
Wenatchee Forestry Sciences Lab
Wenatchee, WA 98801
United States

Current Research

My current research interest is focused on how forests in the western U.S. are changing over time, particularly with respect to climate and disturbance. Aspects of this topic that I'll be working on this year include: (1) working with other scientists to assess recent disturbances (fire, insects, disease, invasive plants, drought) in the western U.S. in in the context of forest sustainability; (2) improving techniques for predicting change in future habitat for different tree species; and (3) assessing recent changes in forests within California, Oregon, and Washington in relation to disturbances. 

Past Research

My past research includes spatial modeling of the effects of forest practices rules on economic returns and forest fragmentation; projecting landscape-level vegetation change; integrating prescribed fire and fuel treatments into general forest planning; developing methods for projecting regional forest change; and assessing status and change of forests in the Pacific West.

Research Interest

  • Forest planning
  • Forest modeling
  • Forest management
  • Biometrics
  • Spatial analysis

Why This Research Is Important

Disturbance processes in western forests - including climate change, insects, disease, fire, and invasive species - impact the sustainability of both forest ecosystem processes and ecosystem services. Increased understanding of how interacting disturbances are likely to affect forests, and detecting early changes, is crucial to making choices that increase the resiliency of western forests and forest-dependent communities.


  • University of California Berkeley, Ph.D., Wildland Resource Science (forest management), 1996
  • University of Wisconsin Madison, M.S., Land Resources, 1990
  • University of Wisconsin Madison, B.A., Computer Science, 1987

Professional Experience

  • Asst./Assoc. Professor of Forest Planning,  The University of Montana,  1996 - 2000

Other Publications

Last updated October 3, 2022