Entrepreneur14 min citite
I Know Why Your Customer Service SUCKS
IF you’ve ever worked a minimum wage job, you’ve surely watched a lot of training videos. Narrated training videos are a key component of Learning Management Systems, or LMS, and they’re how you learn your job. I am now ashamed to admit this, but I m
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Less Stress, More Summer
Here’s a Lego set for music lovers of a certain age—and the centerpiece of your next office party. It’s called Retro Radio [$100; lego.com], a 13-by-9-inch, 906-piece set that plays actual tunes. How it works: The left and right knobs control a sound
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It’s Not Retirement. It’s ‘Flextirement.’
Connie Goodnight runs human resources at Tank Connection, a rural Kansas company that makes liquid and dry bulk storage tanks. Five years ago, their head project manager made an unusual request: She was looking at early retirement, and wondered if sh
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Strength Flows Both Ways
From a young age, I collected role models. In school, as a teenager, I tried to channel Beyoncé. In the working world, after my first big promotion in retail operations, I paid close attention to our female executives. By watching and emulating other
Entrepreneur3 min cititeSmall Business & Entrepreneurs
What I Had to Unlearn From Google
I spent 14 years at Google and YouTube—long enough to watch those companies go from scrappy upstarts to careful giants. I always prided myself on being quick to act and adapt, but by the end of my time in Big Tech, these traits weren’t always seen as
Entrepreneur3 min cititeIntelligence (AI) & Semantics
Is It Real AI, or Marketing Hype?
Today’s tech market is inundated with products that claim to be powered by artificial intelligence. Some are, but some aren’t, and it can be hard to differentiate legitimate AI from existing tools hiding behind trendy buzzwords and higher prices. A b
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A $30 Million Winning Equation
Mo Khalil worked in sales, but he had the entrepreneurial bug. In 2003, he moved to Florida and opened a Verizon Wireless franchise, which he grew to multiple locations. But when his son was born, he says, “I started thinking about legacy and how muc
Entrepreneur12 min citite
Best Of The Best Franchises
The franchise world can be an extremely competitive one, with thousands of brands in a wide variety of industries vying for both franchisees and customers. So what does it take to be the leading franchise brand in any given industry, from car washes
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A Tailored Teaching Approach
Early on in elementary school, Maria Washington’s son was struggling to sit still and pay attention. “His teachers wrote him off,” she says. “They said he’s not capable of this, or this, or this. They were telling me he wouldn’t amount to anything.”
Entrepreneur1 min citite
What AI Can Do For You Nowf
First came the hype, with people claiming that AI would do everything. Next came the fear, with people claiming that AI would replace everyone. Then came the scramble, as seemingly every company raced (often clumsily) to integrate AI into their produ
Entrepreneur4 min cititeIntelligence (AI) & Semantics
AI Improves People
It’s easy to forget that on the day ChatGPT came out, we all basically woke up with superpowers. Now anyone can code, create images, write faster, make videos, better understand human behavior, and learn about any topic under the sun. This is incredi
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‘Sales Is a Very Emotional Process’
Maybe we don’t even need salespeople. As Molly He prepared to launch her company’s first product, that thought actually crossed her mind. “We believed it would sell itself,” she admits. He and two cofounders had created a startup called Element Biosc
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Entrepreneur Magazine
EDITOR IN CHIEF Jason Feifer CREATIVE DIRECTOR Paul Scirecalabrisotto DEPUTY EDITOR Frances Dodds PHOTO DIRECTOR Judith Puckett-Rinella MANAGING EDITOR Monica Im SPECIAL PROJECTS EDITOR Tracy Stapp Herold COPY CHIEF Jessica Levy RESEARCH Andre Carter
Entrepreneur3 min citite
What Makes Something Franchise-able
In 2004, Wade Brannon was coaching his son’s T-ball team when another player’s mother asked, “You’re the ham guy, right?” Well, he was the ham guy: He founded Heavenly Ham, built it up to $150 million in revenue with more than 200 franchises in 33 st
Entrepreneur7 min cititeIntelligence (AI) & Semantics
AI Tools That Actually Work
ChatGPT may sound like an obvious recommendation, but it still has many nonobvious uses—like helping to bridge language barriers. That’s what Florida-based jewelry company Artizan Joyeria uses it for:The company’s offshore customer service employees,
Entrepreneur10 min citite
Top Franchise Brands for Multi-Unit Owners
While many franchisees are happy owning and running just a single business, some have bigger ambitions of expanding to multiple locations or territories, or even owning multiple franchise brands. Multi-unit ownership isn’t for everyone—it requires a
Entrepreneur5 min cititeIntelligence (AI) & Semantics
‘How AI Helped My Business’
Whether you’re guessing which style of bra will sell faster or which job candidate will thrive at your company, AI can help with that. There are countless ways to use artificial intelligence at your business—so many, in fact, that the possibilities c
Entrepreneur3 min citite
The Better Way to Fail
WHEN THINGS go wrong, ask yourself this question: Did I just run an accidental experiment? The answer might be yes. And once you realize this, you’ll feel a lot better. Because here’s the thing: Mistakes suck. But the “accidental experiment” concept
Entrepreneur3 min cititeIntelligence (AI) & Semantics
Your Next Assistant May Be a Bot
People have wanted robot assistants ever since…The Jetsons? Now generative AI seems ready to deliver. And these assistants have a name: They’re called “AI agents.” Unlike a chatbot that can only compile a list of curated information—like naming a bun
Entrepreneur5 min cititeIntelligence (AI) & Semantics
How to Get More Attention
Everyone wants attention. Few of us know how to get it. Why? According to attention-getting master Gary Vaynerchuk, it’s because most people misunderstand where attention comes from—and that the means of getting it keep changing. “Social media was on
Entrepreneur11 min citite
Franchise Fixer-upper
Kenny Clark was looking for a failure. In 2014, the lifelong Texan decided he wanted to buy a Minuteman Press franchise because he liked the business: It was closed on weekends, required skilled workers (versus high school kids that come and go), and
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The Hire That Changed Everything
“Several years ago, a member of my management team convinced me we needed to hire a project manager to oversee research and development. I was reluctant; my skepticism stemmed from a lack of understanding about how critical that role was to help ever
Entrepreneur3 min cititeCorporate Finance
Patent the Boring Stuff
Here’s the most important question a company can ask, according to a leading patent attorney: Do we anticipate others will also use this in the future? This question is helpful because it reframes the way we think about patents, which can unlock many
Entrepreneur3 min citite
What SEO Insiders Know
By now, everyone knows search engine optimization (SEO) is important. If your content isn’t optimized, then your website isn’t being found—which can make or break your business. But many of us are also keenly aware of what we don’t know. SEO is a com
Entrepreneur2 min citite
How To Ask Someone For A Million Dollars
Short of running an online scam, how do you get someone to willingly fork over $1 million? The magic happens somewhere between dumb luck and intelligent strategy, says Wanda Urbanska, who does it regularly. She’s the director of philanthropy for Nort
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‘We Built Success on Top of Success’
When Cuban immigrant Nicolas Estrella Sr. started selling auto insurance in Miami in the 1970s, he had an opening line: His last name meant “star” in Spanish, so he and other Latino immigrants could bet on the same shooting star—the American dream. “
Entrepreneur40 min citite
Spotlight Branded Content
ASIA’S LEADING POST-PANDEMIC ECONOMY If 2023 marked Japan’s breakout, 2024 could herald the beginning of a decadelong ascent as Asia’s premier investment destination. Clear indicators abound, notably the Nikkei index’s historic surge beyond its late
Entrepreneur3 min citite
The Million-dollar Meeting
Want to meet the people who can accelerate your growth? You might need to make $1 million in revenue first. “I think there’s something magical about a million dollars in terms of just showing progress and scalability of the business,” says Laura Held
Entrepreneur3 min citite
Make Your First Tax-free Million
Yes, you can make a million—and more—without paying taxes on it. The wealthy do it every day, and the formula is simple: Take a business or investment idea that’s separate from your “day job,” combine it with a Roth IRA structure, give it a little ti
Entrepreneur5 min citite
‘You Don’t Have to Shut Your Heart Down’
John Mackey is cofounder and the longtime CEO of Whole Foods. But in the early days of his business, he was called something else. And it wasn’t meant as a compliment: Wacky Mackey. One of his cofounders came up with the name, as a way of mocking Mac
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