Cookbooks with Virginia Holiday Baking Special

Last Saturday Virginia Willis invited me to do this delightful appearance on her live show.

I’ve admired Virginia for years but this is the first time we actually had a conversation and not only did I get to share some of my best tips about baking, I got to know her better as well!

I also made an interesting discovery about myself: After all these years of appearances on different platforms, I no longer have stage fright. What I do have in the fright department is technology fright! Every platform is different and a learning experience but this is the way of the present and the future and Woody and I are embracing it now with full enthusiasm. What a wonderful way to connect to all of you! Stay tuned for more.

This video is on Face Book and Instagram but we have also posted it to YouTube for those of you who don’t use the other two venues.

Ice Cream Bliss 2: Heritage Radio's "Life is a Banquet" Gets the Scoop / NEW PUB DATE : July 7th



Although I usually have an idea of what my next book should be, it is generally after the previous book’s promotion that the publishing house commits to the project. This changed with Rose’s Ice Cream Bliss, for which we were already researching, testing, and writing recipes when we did our book tour for Rose’s Baking Basics. On tour. Our event audiences were pleased.

 We were delighted to return to Heritage Radio for another podcast interview. Zahra Tangorra and Bretton Scott are the wonderful dynamic hosts of  “Life is a Banquet,” who were all ears to hear about ice cream. Their inquisitive conversation, but casual style created the atmosphere that we were all friends chatting over cups of coffee.

 Bretton proclaimed his success in baking from being self taught by baking recipes from The Cake Bible and The Pie & Pastry Bible.  Both Zahra and Bretton have been chef/owners of restaurants. Since virtually all chefs make sauces that require reduction, we presented each of them with my latest kitchen tool design for my American Products Group signature line—Rose’s Reduction Spatula.

Our Interview on Heritage Radio’s “Life is a Banquet “ Podcast

We then talked about our upcoming ice cream book. One of the essentials for producing great home-made ice cream I elaborated on, was keeping your ice cream custard base cold and your ice cream containers chilled before transferring the churned ice cream from the ice cream maker. During the winter months, Woody and I would set up in my frigid garage to transfer our ice creams. Zahra one-upped us by sharing that her ice cream makers were in her restaurant’s walk-in freezer. The finale of our podcast was naming each of our 3 favorite flavors.

So to get you in the mode for ice cream next May, here are our favorites~~blackraspberry, dulce de leche, pomegranate, mint chocolate chip, and bust my bourbon balls (adults cookies and cream, named by, of course, Woody).

After the interview, we all walked just several steps out of the studio to enjoy slices of Roberta’s Pizza.

Rose on Charlie Rose Show (1989): My First Network Television Appearance

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In 1989, Charlie Rose rarely if ever had cookbook authors on his show, so I felt really honored and somewhat terrified to be invited down to Washington D.C. to be a guest. In fact, in the opening segment it seems to me I look rather like a deer in the headlights. But the amazing thing that happened was that I really really liked Charlie, and he was so kind and gracious , I gradually became less guarded and started to enjoy myself. It's fun to watch how I grew more and more comfortable with him to the point where I actually jokingly accused him of hacking away at my cake.!.. you'll see......

Parts 1 and 2: Holiday Chocolate Pine Cone Cake

Parts 3: Grand Marnier Cake

HOLIDAY PINECONE testing for Rose’s Heavenly Cakes

HOLIDAY PINECONE testing for Rose’s Heavenly Cakes

GRAND MARNIER with CHOCOLATE CREAM GLAZE for a birthday party 2019

GRAND MARNIER with CHOCOLATE CREAM GLAZE for a birthday party 2019

You can see a listing of all of Rose's over 150 transcribed videos on YouTube by doing a search for "Rose Levy Beranbaum You Tube" which will show a home page for Rose's videos. You can click  "Video " on the menu bar, then scroll to find the video you want to watch. The VideoKraft series aired during the 1990s and PBS Baking Magic aired in 2006. Along with the weekly recipe episodes, Rose had a tips segment.

Heritage Radio Network's 10th Anniversary Gala

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Brooklyn Botanical Garden’s Palm House & Yellow Magnolia Cafe was the ideal location for Heritage Radio Network to host its fund raising, gala event celebrating its 10 years of broadcasting. We have enjoyed having been guests twice on Heritage Radio. The first time was on “Meat + Three” hosted by Caity Moseman, and the second time, on “Life is a Banquet” hosted by Bretton Scott and Zahra Tangorra.

Heritage Radio Network is an independent 5013 non-profit covering the world of food, drink, and agriculture. The member-supported radio station has more than one million monthly listeners in over 200 countries.

As an inductee in Heritage’s “Hall of Fame,” Woody and I arrived for the VIP hour to add my new Reduction Spatula to accompany The Cake Bible and Rose’s Baking Basics, for Heritage’s Silent Auction. We were greeted by Caity Moseman Wasler and her mom Susan Moseman, and then off to taste the wonderful array of food and drink from New York area including the region’s restaurants, breweries, and wine providers. In the magenta-lighted Palm House, we first met our long-time firned, fellow Hall of Famer Sara Moulton. Soon afterwards, we ran into Zahra and her mom, who told us that they would be co-hosting a radio show in the near future called “Processing”.

The very best part of the evening, at the well attended gala, was having the rare opportunity to chat with several of my esteemed colleagues and long-time friends: Francisco Migoya, Nell Newman, Sarah Molton, Barry Wine, Zarela Martinez, and Cesare Casale. 

Ice Cream Bliss 2: Heritage Radio's "Life is a Banquet" Gets the Scoop



Although I usually have an idea of what my next book should be, it is generally after the previous book’s promotion that the publishing house commits to the project. This changed with Rose’s Ice Cream Bliss, for which we were already researching, testing, and writing recipes when we did our book tour for Rose’s Baking Basics. On tour. Our event audiences were pleased.

 We were delighted to return to Heritage Radio for another podcast interview. Zahra Tangorra and Bretton Scott are the wonderful dynamic hosts of  “Life is a Banquet,” who were all ears to hear about ice cream. Their inquisitive conversation, but casual style created the atmosphere that we were all friends chatting over cups of coffee.

 Bretton proclaimed his success in baking from being self taught by baking recipes from The Cake Bible and The Pie & Pastry Bible.  Both Zahra and Bretton have been chef/owners of restaurants. Since virtually all chefs make sauces that require reduction, we presented each of them with my latest kitchen tool design for my American Products Group signature line—Rose’s Reduction Spatula.

Our Interview on Heritage Radio’s “Life is a Banquet “ Podcast

We then talked about our upcoming ice cream book. One of the essentials for producing great home-made ice cream I elaborated on, was keeping your ice cream custard base cold and your ice cream containers chilled before transferring the churned ice cream from the ice cream maker. During the winter months, Woody and I would set up in my frigid garage to transfer our ice creams. Zahra one-upped us by sharing that her ice cream makers were in her restaurant’s walk-in freezer. The finale of our podcast was naming each of our 3 favorite flavors.

So to get you in the mode for ice cream next May, here are our favorites~~blackraspberry, dulce de leche, pomegranate, mint chocolate chip, and bust my bourbon balls (adults cookies and cream, named by, of course, Woody).

After the interview, we all walked just several steps out of the studio to enjoy slices of Roberta’s Pizza.

Marble Cake with Chocolate Curls for the Joan Hamburg Show

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We were honored to be invited to return to the wonderful Joan Hamburg Show to offer Joan Woody’s successful version of the Marble Cake with Chocolate Pieces which Joan’s mom used to make for the family. This is how we will always make our favorite Marble Cake. The chocolate curls melt in your mouth against the softness of the cake crumb.


Here’s the link to the Joan Hamburg Podcast Let Me Tell You

Woody tried chocolate chips, but was not satisfied with the outcome. Lacing in 1/2 inch wide thick curls of dark chocolate gave the cake added dimensions of texture and taste.



You can also listen to the show this Saturday, April 20th, on her weekly show on 77WABC 1-2 pm EST.

Woody’s Chocolate Curls Marble Butter Cake is our April recipe of the month. Click below to see the recipe.

Rose on Video presents: A Moment with Rose

A Moment with Rose   by Ben Fink (2010) 

This incredible and beautiful video was photographer Ben Fink's first entrée into making videos. He envisioned that videos could be made as "trailers" for authors to promote their books. Two cameras, several lights, and even rail-tracks were put on the floor of her living room for a rolling tripod mounted camera. What we thought was going to be a short cooking show-style video turned into your being able to see Rose's inner persona and love for baking. 

This video was filmed one month before Rose’s Heavenly Cakes won IACP’s Best Book of the Year, but we did not get to see its final version until the fall. Ben made a second video with Rose for The Baking Bible in 2013, as a “trailer” for the book’s launch. He also did all of the photography for the book. His unique style of making videos has won him awards. You can see his work in many commercials, and even on video screens in McDonalds.

NOTE: We have over 150 YouTube videos, transcribed by Hector Wong, from Rose’s appearances on television shows, her own PBS Baking Magic series, and instructional videos. You can see a complete listing on our Television & Videos pages.

Sublime Ketchup from Chef Michael Anthony


I have been a lover of ketchup since I was a little girl and my grandmother served me spaghetti with ketchup and butter, thinking it was like the tomato sauce which she saw our Italian neighbors preparing. I never dreamed one could make real ketchup at home. But when I ordered the hamburger special at Gramercy Tavern, in New York City, it was served with the best ketchup I had ever tasted and I learned that it was the creation of executive chef Michael Anthony (one of my top favorite chefs). I immediately begged for the recipe. Chef Michael's ketchup is a world apart from even the best bottled store-bought variety. It is a brilliant blending of ingredients--less sweet, more vibrant, and far more complex. You will see why when you look at the ingredient list. It takes time, and attention, especially when cooking down the sauce so as not to scorch the reducing juices, and you'll need a food mill to achieve the classic silky consistency, but boy is it worth it! For me there is no going back.

I made one-quarter the recipe Michael sent which I am listing below, but do feel free to increase the recipe if desired. Makes: 400 grams/350 ml/1-/2 cups + Tomatoes and Vegetables

624 grams/22 ounces Roma tomatoes, cored and rough chopped (I used canned San Marzono)
114 grams/4 ounces white onion: medium dice
56 grams/2 ounces red bell pepper, charred, skinned, seeded, medium dice
3/4 teaspoon fresh ginger, minced
1 medium clove garlic, minced
1 medium clove garlic confit (see Note)
7 grams/1/2 tablespoon canola oil
Seasonings 1/2 teaspoon pink peppercorns 1/4 teaspoon cumin seed 1/4 stick of cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon whole coriander 1 small allspice 1/16 teaspoon cayenne pepper salt, a large pinch

Gastrique 82 grams/1/4 cup corn syrup
3 tablespoons cider vinegar
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar

Note: To confit the garlic, I added the oil to a very small pan and on the lowest possible heat cooked the garlic (cut in half the long way), turning it over from time to time until light golden. Then I used the oil to sauté the vegetables.
1. Heat oil in a saucepot (I used one with a non-stick lining); add onion and peppers, and sweat (sauté until translucent).
2. Add tomatoes garlic, and spices, all at one time; bring to a simmer. Meanwhile, prepare the gastrique:
3. Heat corn syrup in a small saucepan until it begins to caramelize. Separately, bring cider vinegar to a simmer (I heated it in the microwave). When the corn syrup is golden brown, slowly stir the cider vinegar into the syrup. It may seem to seize up once or twice, but will quickly melt and become smooth. Then stir in the red wine vinegar.
4. When the gastrique is smooth and fully incorporated, add to tomatoes and stir well. Cook uncovered, stirring often, for approximately 45 minutes, or until desired consistency is achieved.
5. Cool slighty, and run through the fine disc of a food mill.

WQXR Nutcracker Sweets Annual Holiday Posting

I taped these radio segments with host Naomi Lewin of WQXR in December of 2010. When she invited me to do the show it was because she was familiar with my book Rose's Christmas Cookies. What she didn't know at the time was that as a little girl I was a toy soldier in George Ballanchine's second production of The Nutcracker Suite at City Center in New York. Doing this show was like a revisit to my past!

Read More

Martha Stewart Live Radio Show: Baking Bible Tour Finale, part 17

IMG_8108.jpgOur six weeks of touring concluded just about where we started--New York City. We left extra early to be sure to arrive at the Martha Stewart New York studios well ahead of time given the variables of traffic on route 80 and arrived so early we headed straight to the reasonably close by Doughnut Plant for doughnuts and coffee. They claim to be creator of the world's first crème brûlée doughnut, which quickly became the Doughnut Plant's signature, and also square jellied filled doughnuts. They now even have shops in Japan. IMG_8101.jpg IMG_8103.jpg The engaging manager enjoyed telling us about the doughnuts and, as a self-proclaimed dessert lover, looking through our new "Baking Bible." IMG_8097.jpg My dear friend Martha had recently made one of my cupcake recipes on her television show, so I was looking forward to an unstructured live radio conversation with her on her Sirius Radio Show. I had been on several times in the past with her radio host Lucinda Scala Quinn. But when we arrived at the studio we were informed that Martha had the flue. We also learned that I was to share the air time with another cookbook author, Carol Barrow. We were both delighted to make her acquaintance. Her wonderful book, "Mrs. Wheelbarrow's Practical Pantry: Recipes and Techniques for Year-Round Preserving" on canning and preserving was released just after ours. She brought along several of her homemade preserves for all of us to enjoy. IMG_8104.jpg Lucinda, who had moderated my 92nd Y event just a few weeks ago, and had read my book cover to cover, stepped in for Martha. We briefly talked about "The Baking Bible" and then went on to discuss my thoughts and tips for solving common baking problems, after which Lucinda opened up the phone lines for me to answer caller's questions from Delaware to California. The time went all too quickly with the lively array of questions. With our final event completed for the year, we decided to celebrate with an excellent lunch at the nearby Trestle on Tenth. We toasted over wine and enjoyed sharing the Brook Trout with Chanterelles and Roasted Cauliflower, followed by a perfectly cooked to rare and delicious Dry aged Beef Burger with exquisitely crispy and flavorful shoestring French fries, dusted with paprika. IMG_8114.jpg IMG_8118.jpg A grand finale to an amazingly successful and enjoyable tour filled with events, old friends and new, family, bloggers, radio hosts, and culinary professionals. More events, however, are already slated for next year from Dallas to upstate New York to mile high Denver. We are grateful to the brilliant team at our publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for their support and creative ingenuity.

Baking Bible Book Production Phase 14

SMT.jpgWe were very fortunate to have Davidson's Safest Choice Pasteurized Eggs and our publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt sponsor this virtual media tour. The Satellite Media Tour, aka SMT, went out to 11 cities and each appearance was under 5 minutes long. The advantage of an SMT is to have an author be on several television shows without having to travel to each city. Instead, from a studio in Manhattan, within a span of 3 hours, via satellite hook up, I talked to individual television shows from Atlanta, Georgia to San Diego, California. All of these cities were ones that were not on our actual tour schedule, so this gave the television hosts the opportunity to talk to me for the benefit of their audiences. Woody and I both prepped all the recipes a few days ahead and then transported them to Wellesley MA on the first leg of the tour and on to New York City the following day to have everything ready for the morning of the SMT. Woody did a great job as food stylist and Erin Schwitter, of Artisan Production House, made everything run super smoothly in her beautiful new studio. Here's a close up of the "Mud Turtle Pie:" Mud_Turtle.jpg To see the podcast, click on this link: SMT

Edible Radio Podcast for The Baking Bible

height_360_width_640_overlay_Edible_Radio_Logo_1400x1400_RBG-2.jpgKitchen Workshop host Mary Reilly, editor and publisher of Edible Pioneer Valley Radio, was a delight to meet over a phone interview. Click here to listen to an informative and dynamic discussion about the Baking Bible, recommendations and tips for holiday baking, and for one of my top favorite recipes from the book: The Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse Tart.

Did You Know?

Now here's something I didn't! When blind baking (baking a pie or tart crust without the filling before adding it) I like to use a large coffee urn filter to contain the beans or rice which are used to weight down the crust and keep it from bubbling up or slipping down at the sides. I prefer it to parchment because I find there is no need to coat it with nonstick cooking spray to keep it from lifting off a little of the crust but mostly because its shape conforms perfectly to that of the interior of the pan. A sheet of parchment has to be pleated in order to achieve this shape.Fellow blogger Cenk Sonmezoy, from Turkey, has a terrific blog called CafeFernando. One of the great tips I learned from him as that by simply crumpling the parchment it practically shapes itself to curve into the dough lined pan. As a graduate of FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) I should have figured this out long ago. But isn't it the case with all great ideas that one experiences that "why didn't I think of it" moment? Thank you Cenk!