Technical Advice

Got a question? We can help!


A red toolbox filled with tools, charts and graphs.
Reach out to the Center for Government Innovation team today to get guidance on how you can incorporate leading best practices into your government’s internal controls, cybersecurity, teambuilding, processes and more.

If you have new employees, we can also point you to videos (see below) and resources that can help bring your new team members up to speed quickly.


Contact the Center today!

How we can help

When you contact the Center for Government Innovation, you get the benefit of years of local government-specific expertise in internal controls, government operations, process improvement, cybersecurity, team building, and more. You can reach us via phone at 564-999-0818 or via email at [email protected].

If you have a specific accounting, compliance, federal grant or IT question, please contact the Help Desk in the client portal. Otherwise, contact the Center to talk about:

  • Internal controls: If you have questions about best practices, resources, or you’re working on a project and you just want someone to talk to, we’re here to help.
  • Cybersecurity: Overwhelmed by cybersecurity advice? We can help you sort through it to implement what’s feasible and affordable for your government.
  • Financial Intelligence Tool (FIT): Schedule a personal training session for you, your staff or your governing body on any of FIT’s features. The Center’s data specialists will serve as your personal trainers and customize a training to suit your needs.
  • Lean: From general guidance to sounding-board level expertise, we’re here to help wherever you are in your Lean journey.
  • Teambuilding: Want to build more trust, work more collaboratively and increase your work satisfaction? Schedule a CliftonStrengths workshop or leadership training session customized to your specific needs.

New to working in government?

The Center’s #Gov101 series offers a video tour of local governments in Washington, who they are, and what they do. These videos can help employees new to working in local government learn about their new employer.

Cities & Towns

Want to learn more about what makes a city or town in Washington? This short video will give you a basic understanding of what a city is and how it operates.


Curious about how government operates in Washington state’s 39 counties? Find out in this short video.

Public Utility Districts

Did you know that Public Utility Districts provide more than just electricity, water and wastewater management? Learn more about Washington PUDs in this short, educational video.

Public Hospital Districts

Hospital districts are special purpose districts in Washington that provide health care services. Learn more in this informative overview.

Fire Districts

Learn how Fire Districts receive money and where it goes in this informative overview.

School Districts

In this short and engaging video, learn more about what kinds of laws and regulations guide schools’ operations.

Where does local government’s money come from?

Washington’s local governments are funded in a variety of ways. Learn what money local governments take in to fund their operations and services with this short video.

Where does local government’s money go?

Local governments in Washington state use the money they get to fund a variety of things, including their operations and services to their residents.