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Is there any source of standard orthography in this language? Unless there's some form of noun declension which I don't know about, the word football seems to be spelt three different ways on this page alone ("fitba" in the subject heading; "fitbaw" in the body text; and "fitbaa" in the hyperlink). -- A bodie that didna sign

There is no standard orthography in this language just variations on a theme - free your mind! 00:25, 25 Dizember 2006 (UTC)
Thank ye for yer ceenicism 84.135, it's aye appreciatit ;-).
To answer the original question:
The orthography is at least semi-standardised, but there are still areas of disagreement, and one of them is how to represent what is in English spelt <-all>. <-a>, <-aw> and <-aa> are all used and in fact I tend to use a fourth possibility <-a'>, despite the normal dire injunctions against using the apologetic apostrophe.
We're not massively bothered about what orthography people use but having three variants in one paragraph is a bit much and I'll change it. Thanks for spotting it.
Mendor 16:02, 25 Dizember 2006 (UTC) (in the brief hiatus before Christmas dinner)


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The page name's "Glesca" bit the first bit ae text is fir "Glesga". Which ane's richt?

Flittit tae the Wast Coast form "Glesga" -- seems mair sensible tae gie it the "native" name. Mendor 17:28, 11 Februar 2007 (UTC)[Replie]
Shouldna the airticle be toatally in "native" Gleswegian then? If yir gaunae dae wikipaedia in Scots, ye cannae let foreign west-coast words tae be usied. It's goat tae be ane or th'ither. Ah'm no stokit aboot Glesca huvin its ain airticle as if it wis pairt o Scotland oanyweys.
A dinnae get hou ye think that Glesgae isnae in Scotland, whit kintra is it in then? An even gin it isnae, Fraunce an Ingland isnae in Scotland aither but we hae airticles on them an aa. "Glesga" is only the wast coast form, no like it isnae Scots. The Wast Coast Scots is as muckle Scots as ony ither dialect. Scroggie 16:19, 28 Januar 2008 (UTC)[Replie]
It isna but, Scotland is the bit aroon Arbroath whaur tha kintra wis foondit. Fae Peterheid doon yon coast tae mibbe wee bits ae Embra is aw thit can claim tae be pure Scots wi pure Scots fowk. It is the only bit whaur Scots is Scots, an if we are gaunae huv an aiffort tae maik Scots live agine, it canna include bits whaur the fowk are ootsiders an they speak an ootsider tongue - Inglis or Lallans or whiteevir, a'm nae interestit, it jist gets in the wey. -- A bodie that didna sign

Blethers! Firstly ye still haena telt me whilk kintra Glesga is in. An yer ither ideas soond a lot like the opinions o a raither famous bodie an thay kynd o opinions hae nae place on wikipaedia in ony leid. "Scotland" is the modren kintra stretchin fae the tweed in the aest tae the Solway firth in the wast tae John o Groats in the north an aa the islands aroond it. "Scots" is the leid o aa the fowk o Scotland whither they bi Allens, MacLeods, Smiths or Leblancs. Scots is the leid o Ulster an pairts o Northren Ingland an aa, nae e'en tae mention the muckle nummers o Scots athort the warld. Gin we want tae hain the Scots tung fae deein aff we maunna say that anerly fowk that cams fae a wee pairt o wir kintra can spak it. Scroggie 17:05, 29 Januar 2008 (UTC)[Replie]

Juist as airticles in the English Wikipedia aboot Liverpool or London is written in leeterar English an no Scouse or Cockney sae airticles in the Scots Wikipaedia is written in leeterar Scots an no the paiter. O coorse the chances o a body haein learnt siclike at the schuill is awfu smaw sae fowk juist haes tae learn theirsels. Jimmy 20:39, 29 Januar 2008 (UTC)[Replie]

Hue and Cry

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Hue and Cry wer (ar?) frae Coatbrig an no Glesga.

Word order =

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I was having a wee look over this wiki out of curiosity and i made a little edit. I couldn't help maself when i saw: "It is kent as Glesga or Glesca by folks frae the wast o Scotland an usually Glesga or Glesgae bi folks frae the aest." Just sounds clumsy and inelegant and the word-order is dodgy. The way that people I know would say it would be: "Folk in the wast o Scotland ken it as Glesga or Glesca an folk fae the east maistly caw it Glesga or Glesgae." Feel free to correct me or change back. 2401cs 20:34, 10 September 2011 (UTC)[Replie]

same here - this page about "glesga" is wrong - nobody says "ken" "wast" wtf is this garbage? written by a teuchter by the sound of it. embarressing! and just wrong. im glasgow 40 yrs all my life - this crap is actually offensive - we not teuchters u dick!

Glasgow Wiki

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At [1] there are only a few entries - anybody here care to develop? (I added the link the other day - but had signed out accidentally). Jackiespeel 16:13, 15 Februar 2012 (UTC)[Replie]

Glaesgaey feer aell

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Haud oan. So no other elements of putrid, modern, despicable, lower-class "Lowland Scots" are permitted entry into the academically-sown, expat-picked plantation of the modern Scots language, aw but apart fae the way the name of that GEY MUCKLE city on the Clyde is pronounced? In which case we somehow attain lexical supremacy, as if to make up for the fact we're all but ignored in every grammatical area? Gies peace. Decide whether you want this to be a quaint upper-middle-class hobby which happens to make its home in the field of linguistics but is contingent upon no habitual human pursuit, or an actual language cunts actually speak. Consistency, believe it or not, is the key to consistency. Let us know ("us" being the object form of the first person pronoun ya bas). --Jemimallah (tauk) 16:38, 30 August 2014 (UTC)[Replie]

Similar tae the abuin, am a bein thick... av ne'er seen the "n'River Clyde" and "N'Ceety" kynd o Scots afore. A dinnae e'en ken whit its supposed tae be saein? 2A02:C7F:8ECF:9900:F017:E532:DFD9:BCA8 (talk) 08:37, 26 August 2020 (UTC)[Replie]
Fae where it is, it seems intendit tae be 'the' but I cannae see how. I dinnae ken how it's meant tae sound. Monospaced (tauk) 03:59, 27 August 2020 (UTC)[Replie]