Refund policy

Return and refund policy

Can I return my box?

We only admit returns in specific circumstances:

  1. If what you have bought is faulty or misdescribed and you have communicated this circumstance to us within 14 days after receiving your box; and

  2. If we have told you about an error in the price or description of the Product and you don’t wish to proceed or there is an issue with the supply or delivery of the Product. 

We hope this doesn’t happen but if it does please contact our Customer Care Team at: [email protected], they would be happy to help you.

Please see our Subscription Policy to see our returns policy.

Can I change my mind?

You have the right to change your mind about the product within 14 days after the date you received your stand-alone box. To exercise this right please contact our Customer Care Team at [email protected], they will give you further instructions.

Please note your box must be unopened and in its original condition. You cannot exercise this right once the box has been opened.

We will pay the costs of return if specific circumstances apply. In other circumstances you must pay the costs of return. 

Please visit our Terms of Service for further information about our return policy.

My box and/or some of its contents arrived damaged. Can I get replacements?

Oh no! We want you to have a flawless experience every time. So if you ever get products that are damaged, please contact our customer care team and we'll make it right. Please contact us on +44 77 0010 4526 (Hours of Operation are Monday - Sunday between 2pm-10pm GMT) or send an email to our Customer Care Team at: [email protected]. We may require you to send a photo of the order and a description of the damage.

One of the items is missing from my box. Can I get it sent to me separately?

Every box comes with an insert that lists out what comes in that box. So if something listed is not in your box, please contact us and we'll ship you the product right away!

Please contact us on +44 77 0010 4526 (Hours of Operation are Monday - Sunday between 2pm-10pm GMT) or send an email to our Customer Care Team at: [email protected]