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Kategorija:Učinkovine z nestandardnim pravnim statusom

Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije

Članki, ki vsebujejo predlogo {{Infopolje Učinkovina}} ali {{Chembox}}, katerih pravnega statusa ni v seznamo poznanih Shem. Znane sheme so prednastavljena za : AU, CA, NZ, UK, US, UN, EU (glejte dokumentacijo spodaj).

ali: ima "Rx (le na recept)" as a unspecified note (brez države ali institucije).

|legal_XX= opcije

re-formatted options per country or institute for the legal status of a drug. Available in {{Infopolje Učinkovina}} and {{Chembox}} and {{Infobox botanical product}} by parameters |legal_XX= (AU, CA, DE, NZ, UK, US, EU, UN).

Sister parameters |legal_XX_comment= can be used, and added after the listed option with a space, unedited (as entered).

All input is case-insensitive (both OTC and otc are OK).

[uredi kodo]


[uredi kodo]
| legal_AU     = S2
| legal_AU_comment = any text
| legal_BR     = A1
| legal_BR_comment = any text
| legal_CA     = 
| legal_DE     = 
| legal_UK     = gsl
| legal_US     = Schedule II
| legal_US_comment = and OTC in Oregon
| legal_EU     =
| legal_UN     =
| legal_NZ     = 
| legal_status = Not marketed in Asia

By country or organisation

[uredi kodo]
This options list:
Vzorec poimenovanja parametrov: |legal_XX=, |legal_XX_comment=.
XX je lahko: AU, BR, CA, DE, NZ, UK, US; UN and EU
For general input: |legal_status=
Articles with unrecognised |legal_XX= sorted under their country letter.
Articles with |..._comment= only sorted under *
Articles with |legal_status= having recognised input (like: Rx only) are sorted under " "(space, in top).
[uredi kodo]
  • |legal_status=

Glej tudi

[uredi kodo]

Vzdrževalne naloge

Ta kategorija naj bo prazna.

  • Listed under " ": Schedule/classification input {{Unicode|℞}} should be replaced by or Rx.
  • Listed under *: |legal status= has "Rx only". However, this is impossible as a general statement, there is no such worldwide status. The input should be more precise (for example: "Usually prescription only in Asia").
  • For all countries and institutes listed here: |legal_XX should have a valid code from the listed options only. All descriptive text should be added in |legal_XX_comment=. If this causes a problem, please report at this talkpage.

Strani v kategoriji »Učinkovine z nestandardnim pravnim statusom«

Ta del kategorije vsebuje 164 naslednjih strani, od skupno 164.